Connex Household Clusters

130 household-level segments with similar demographics, behaviors, attitudes, preferences, buying habits and media consumption. These households exhibit similar characteristics, so you can understand the unique attributes that comprise your most profitable audience segments. Household Clusters are the best cluster level if you are targeting specific audiences for acquisition. These household clusters inform the various cluster groupings below.

Cluster Name
Single Start-Ups
Single Start-Ups are off and running towards a successful future. With Associate's degrees in hand, this unmarried and child-free audience is focusing on their careers in the armed forces, law enforcement and administration. Their less than average household income centers around necessities including transportation, food & beverages and personal care. In their free time, "Single Start-Ups" like to go dancing, engage in cooking for fun, relax with a beer or two and cheer on the home team at sporting events.
Hard-Working Mamas
Hard-Working Mamas are young unmarried women caring for children under the age of ten. In general, these armed forces enlistees, law enforcement officers and administrators live in rentals built after 1990 and focus their limited household income on transportation, food & beverages and personal care. "Hard-Working Mamas" enjoy listening to the radio or reading magazines when they're not chatting with friends on their smartphones. These kid-focused moms have also recently bought toys or eaten in fast food restaurants.
Road-Weary Renters
Road-Weary Renters are a middle-aged, middle class audience that tends to be unmarried and without children in the household. You may find them riding their motorcycles on their weekends off from their jobs in the armed forces, law enforcement and administration. Their limited household income goes towards transportation and food & beverages, but they have probably also ordered an item by phone that they recently saw on the internet. It's highly likely that "Road-Weary Renters" have smoked cigarettes and chewed tobacco, as well as taken a vitamin, dietary supplement or prescription remedy to address a specific issue.
Fun for the Whole Family
Married with children, "Fun for the Whole Family" is a family-oriented audience. Managing careers in the armed forces and law enforcement is nothing compared to managing kids under the age of fifteen! Although they spend the bulk of their money on transportation, food & beverages and personal care, you can bet these families have also bought toys or a small kitchen appliance recently. You have probably also seen "Fun for the Whole Family" driving their standard or compact cars to nearby fast food restaurants for a quick bite before heading off to their next activity.
Single in Suburbia
Single in Suburbia are single without children in the household, living in suburban rentals that are likely located near a military base. These Associate's degree holders are enjoying careers in the armed forces, law enforcement and administration. They like playing the lottery, and gambling in general, and can be seen zooming around town on their motorcycles. Although their limited budget goes towards necessities like transportation, food & beverages and personal care, "Single in Suburbia" also have enough left over to purchase low-ticket home furnishings or perhaps a new toy for their household pet.
Family Focused
Family Focused are married couples caring for children of all ages. You can find these families living in single family homes in mid-size suburbs, driving their full-size pick-ups or compact cars to their jobs in the armed forces and law enforcement. Although they have debt, with a household income slated mainly for transportation, food & beverages and personal care, "Family Focused" still find a way to buy new toys or spend a day at the local theme park.
Humble Homebodies
Humble Homebodies are predominantly single retirees living in mid-size suburban areas in single family homes built after 1990. They have a limited fixed income, which they use for transportation, food & beverages and tobacco products. They enjoy the simple pleasures of home such as watching television, reading the newspaper and gardening. It's also quite probable that many "Humble Homebodies" own some type of retirement real estate.
Road to Retirement
For the most part, "Road to Retirement" are a middle-aged audience creeping increasingly closer to retirement. These married empty nesters live in mid-size suburban areas in single family homes that are less than 30 years old. You'll likely see them driving their full-size picks-ups or motorcycles to their jobs in the armed forces, law enforcement and administration. This established segment tends to own mutual funds, as well as life insurance policies. Their down-time is spent reading outdoor media, volunteering for charitable organizations or taking a cruise vacation. "Road to Retirement" also like eating out at family restaurants and it's quite possible that they've recently ordered something by phone that they saw in a catalog.
Middle Class Mommies
Middle Class Mommies are predominantly unmarried women taking care of children between the ages of three and five. These homeowners live in newer homes in mid-size suburban areas. They've earned their Associate's degree, which they've used to land jobs in the armed forces, law enforcement and administration. They use their somewhat less than average household income for transportation, food & beverages and personal care. In their rare free moments, "Middle Class Mommies" like to listen to the radio and try their luck with the lottery. Some of their more recent purchases may include large kitchen appliances, big-ticket home furnishings, toys, clothing and perhaps something for their dog.
Middle-Aged Middles
With their average single family homes in mid-size suburban areas, these marrieds with children are your typical family next door complete with Fido and Fluffy. "Middle-Aged Middles" drive their compact cars and vans to their jobs in the armed forces, law enforcement and administration. Many of them avoid a commute altogether as home-based business owners. They channel their household income towards transportation, personal care and food & beverages--especially the fast food variety. "Middle-Aged Middles" have probably also recently purchased a large kitchen appliance or returned from a cruise trip.
Sweet Life in Suburbia
Single family homes. Attended a theme park. Spend $150+ per week on groceries. Bought sports/recreation equipment. Yep, these are the trappings of "Sweet Life in Suburbia". These mommies and daddies work hard at their jobs in the armed forces, law enforcement or as home-based business owners. When they get a free moment, they enjoy reading a magazine or two. Their above average income is geared towards transportation, food & beverages and personal care. Like many families, "Sweet Life in Suburbia" does have some consumer debt, but there's still money for investment real estate, new tires and gas for their mid-size SUVs.
Small Town Singles
Young, single and free from the responsibilities of parenthood, "Small Town Singles" are living an unencumbered existence in small town suburbia. As recent recipients of Associate's and Bachelor's degrees, this audience is just getting started in their yet-to-be-solidified careers. They use their less than average incomes for household furnishings and operations, as well as for entertainment and transportation. For fun, "Small Town Singles" like to go dancing, listen to music they've recently downloaded or surf the net. They've also been known to imbibe in distilled liquor, which they may accompany with a cigar or cigarette.
Millennial Mommies
Single, Gen Y women and their children dominate this audience. When they're not on the job as engineers, "Millennial Mommies" are on the job as mommy and daddy, caring for children under the age of fifteen. For the most part, this audience lives in rental properties that are less than 25 years old in small-size suburban areas. They like to go dancing and listen to the radio, as well as spend quality time with the kids at the local theme park. Although their less than average income is budgeted for household operations and transportation, they've probably also recently purchased some low-ticket home furnishing or toys for the kids.
Single and Ready to Mingle
Young, single and free from the responsibilities of children aptly summarizes the "Single and Ready to Mingle" audience. As recent recipients of their Associate's or Bachelor's degrees, these workforce newbies are in the initial phases of their careers in the field of architecture/engineering. They like to gamble, enjoy cooking and frequently listen to their fave tunes on the radio. You can see them riding their motorcycles around their small-size suburban neighborhoods, or at the local watering hole knocking back a few beers with friends. "Single and Ready to Mingle" spend their less than average incomes on household furnishings and operations, entertainment and transportation and they may have recently returned from a vacation abroad or a cruise.
Tweeners are singles in between relationships caring for children in between grade school and college. These single parents tend to live in smaller suburban settings in comfortable single family homes; and whether it's a compact or intermediate car, these are typically two vehicle households. "Tweeners" enjoy careers in architecture/engineering and spend their above average incomes on furnishing and running their households, transportation and entertainment. For fun, this group likes to play the lottery and go dancing, which they may also do around the house to music they've recently downloaded. And with children in the household, you can bet they've recently purchased toys or some kind of sports/recreation equipment.
Simply Retired
Simply Retired are enjoying their golden years in mid-size suburban areas where they reside in comfortable single family homes. They are less likely than the national average to be married and unlikely to have any children left at home. Those that are still working enjoy careers in architecture/engineering and those that are retired enjoy reading newspapers, watching television and gardening. "Simply Retired" spend their fixed incomes on furnishing and maintaining their homes, transportation and entertainment. In addition, they probably also own some kind of retirement real estate.
Boomerangers are married retirees whose children have returned (or perhaps never left) the nest. This group likes to gamble, are members of collector's clubs and enjoy spoiling their four-legged fur babies. They spend their slightly less than average household incomes on their homes, transportation and entertainment and have probably recently purchased a large kitchen appliance or some new tires for the standard and compact cars that are parked in the driveway.
Reaching for Retirement
On the brink of retiring, "Reaching for Retirement" are a middle-aged audience living in small town suburbia, where they reside in comfortable rentals built after 1990. Whether they're married or single, this segment is unlikely to have children living under their roof any longer. They have established careers in the field of architecture/engineering and spend their incomes on their homes, their two or more cars and entertainment. "Reaching for Retirement" enjoy watching television and cooking, which would account for the large kitchen appliance they recently purchased.
Hearth and Home
Hearth and Home are married with children living in single family homes, which are located in mid-size suburban settings. After dropping the kids off at school, these moms and dads head to the office where they enjoy careers in architecture/engineering. Some of them simply head to their home offices, where they expertly manage the details of their home-based businesses. When they're not working, you can find "Hearth and Home" listening to the game on the radio, volunteering for charitable organizations or perhaps attending a sports event. Although they have consumer debt, these folks still find a way to buy that large kitchen appliance they've had their eye on...perhaps a new refrigerator to protect the $150+ worth of groceries they buy on a weekly basis!
Prime Time
As its name suggests, "Prime Time" are in the prime of their lives working as engineers in mid-size suburban settings. They are less likely than the national average to be married with children, but not unlikely. For the most part, these folks are renters living in properties that are less than 25 years old. They spend their above average incomes on their homes, their two or more vehicles and entertainment. In their free time, "Prime Time" are members of collector's clubs and also enjoy gambling. They are likely to own investment real estate and some of their most recent purchases may include low-ticket home furnishings and sports/recreation equipment.
Family Ties
Married with children of all ages, "Family Ties" are the definition of family life in small town suburbia. You will typically find this audience living in rental properties, with the majority of their income focused on home furnishings and operations, transportation and entertainment. An accounting of their latest purchases would probably reveal big-ticket home furnishings, large kitchen appliances, sports/recreation equipment and toys. "Family Ties" also spend a fair amount of money on food, frequently dining out at their favorite family restaurant, not to mention the $150+ they spend on groceries each week.
Happy Homeowners
Happy Homeowners are single and unlikely to have children still living at home. As its name suggests, nearly every household in this segment is the proud owner of a house in the suburbs. "Happy Homeowners" focus their above average incomes on their homes, their two plus cars and entertainment. Although they like to gamble and play the lottery, they do have an eye on the future, which is evidenced by their mutual funds, college savings accounts, retirement plans and other similar investments. Although "Happy Homeowners" do have consumer debt, it doesn't stop them from purchasing items they may have seen on the internet or in their favorite catalog.
Small Town Suburbia
Small Town Suburbia are married couples and their children, living in single family homes located in mid-size suburban settings. With kids of all ages still at home, this segment spends quality time at the local theme park or sporting events. Typical expenditures include $150+ per week on groceries, new sports & recreation equipment and of course toys. Although "Small Town Suburbia" does have consumer debt, it hasn't stopped them from making some recent home improvements, which may have included the purchase of a large kitchen appliance.
Free At Last
Free At Last are married couples who are reconnecting again now that the kids have left the nest. This retired, or nearly retired, set enjoys watching sports on TV and gardening. They live a comfortable existence in their single family homes in smaller suburban areas and are rested and relaxed having just returned home from their recent cruise trip. With the bulk of their career in their review mirrors, "Free At Last" have had ample time to build investment portfolios, which include stocks, mutual funds and other investments. They enjoy eating out at their favorite family restaurant on a regular basis, which they drive to in their compact cars or full-size pick-ups.
Hittin' the Ground Running
Hittin' the Ground Running are young, unmarried and unlikely to have children in the household. They have recently earned their Bachelor's or Post-Graduate degrees and are starting promising careers in the fields of computers and engineering. They live in larger suburban areas where they have rentals they enjoy fixing up with new household furnishings. Their income is directed towards their homes, paying off student loans, gifts and personal insurance. In their free time, "Hittin' the Ground Running" like to go dancing, surf the net and play on their smartphones.
Mama's In Charge
Mama's In Charge is an audience comprised largely of young, single mothers caring for kids under the age of ten. For the most part, this audience lives in rental properties located in larger size suburban areas. These educators and engineers tend to use their incomes to take care of their homes, pay for school loans, buy gifts and to insure themselves and their children. They may have also treated themselves to a piece of fine jewelry recently. When they're not working, "Mama's In Charge" are probably shopping for women's clothing, chatting on their smartphones or spending quality kid time at the local theme park.
Aging Gracefully
Single with no kids left at home, "Aging Gracefully" are retired, or rapidly approaching retirement, from their jobs as engineers, educators and healthcare diagnosticians. These folks live in well maintained homes located in larger suburban settings. They have a healthy net worth and probably own stocks and mutual funds, along with some retirement real estate. For "Aging Gracefully," a little R&R includes a glass or two of wine, travel to foreign countries, cheering on their hometown teams or simply reading the newspaper.
Sunny Suburbia
Sunny Suburbia are married with kids, living in well appointed homes located in large suburban settings. They drive their imports, SUVs and luxury cars to their jobs in the fields of engineering, education, healthcare/diagnostics and management. Weekends are spent with the family at the local theme park or cheering on the hometown team. "Sunny Suburbia" also relax with a glass of wine now and again and for real relaxation they vacation to foreign countries.
Parents Without Partners
Parents Without Partners are successful singles with children, living in well appointed homes in large suburbs. They're in the thick of their careers as architects, educators, corporate managers and doctors. They use their above average incomes to furnish and maintain their homes, buy gifts and for education, whether it be lingering student loans or their children's education. "Parents Without Partners" enjoy tuning in the local sports team on the radio, listening to music they've recently downloaded or catching a flick on their Blu-ray player. They also like to shop and have probably purchased women's clothing or a small kitchen appliance recently.
Relaxation Maximization
Relaxation Maximization are living out their golden years in single family homes located in larger suburban settings. Having retired from their careers in education, healthcare and engineering, this set now enjoys more laid back endeavors such as reading the newspaper, watching TV or gardening. They have a comfortable net worth, along with some retirement real estate, and tend to focus their spending on their homes, gifts and personal insurance. "Relaxation Maximization" take care of their health with vitamins and dietary supplements, but occasionally take a prescription remedy for a specific ailment.
Slowin' Their Roll
Slowin' Their Roll are established singles and married couples winding down from, or newly retired from, careers in engineering, education and healthcare. The majority of these folks still have children living with them in their high-end suburban homes. This set continues to add to their already comfortable nest egg and what they're not saving they're using for their homes, education, gifts, contributions and personal insurance. They've also recently purchased books, women's clothing or an item they saw in a catalog, which they ordered over the phone. "Slowin' Their Roll" enjoy dancing, playing the lottery and eating out at their favorite family restaurants...well, when they're not noshing on home-cooked meals that is, which costs them $150 or more per week at the grocery store.
Climbing the Ladder
Climbing the Ladder are young singles creating a name for themselves in their chosen field of computers/math, architecture/engineering and education. These career-minded professionals rent posh pads located in larger suburban settings. They enjoy dancing, attending sporting events and surfing the net where they've recently downloaded some new tunes or perhaps a best-selling read. "Climbing the Ladder" spend their above average incomes on household operations, big-ticket home furnishings, gifts and personal insurance. What remains is devoted to the multiple trips abroad this set has already taken or plan on taking in the future.
Reaping the Reward
Reaping the Reward are married empty nesters enjoying the fruits of their labor. As retired engineers, executive managers, educators, doctors and nurses, these folks managed to create a very healthy net worth for themselves. Whether it's stocks, mutual funds or real estate, "Reaping the Reward" have diverse portfolios that allow them to enjoy a worry-free retirement from their comfortable suburban homes. At home you can find them reading the newspaper or enjoying a glass of wine out on the deck. Vacations are spent cruising the high seas or discovering foreign locales.
Single Savvy Savers
Single Savvy Savers are a middle-aged audience that is single and unlikely to have children in the household. They live in large-scale suburbs where they enjoy careers as educators and architectural engineers. They've managed to amass a comfortable net worth thus far and what they're not saving is focused on home furnishings, renter insurance for their upscale abodes, education, gifts and personal insurance. They enjoy dancing, sports and browsing the internet where they probably spotted a must-have item that they ordered over the phone. "Single Savvy Savers" also enjoy the occasional libation and have a particular fondness for wine and distilled spirits.
Carpool Lane
Carpool Lane are married couples caring for children of all ages in mid-size suburban surroundings. Dad drives his imported car to his engineering job, while mom takes the SUV to drop off the kids at school before heading to the medical office where she's a nurse practitioner. The family's above average income is used for household operations and furnishings, education, gifts, contributions and personal insurance. On the weekends, "Carpool Lane" heads to the local theme park for a day of good old fashioned family fun.
Pinnacle of Success
Pinnacle of Success are middle-aged educators, doctors, nurses and executive managers who live in comfortably furnished suburban homes with their spouse and children. They continually add to their already solid net worth and use what remains of their income for their kid's education, gifts, contributions, personal insurance and for their high-end homes, which probably have new furnishings or large kitchen appliances. They also drop $150 or more per week on groceries. "Pinnacle of Success" enjoy reading magazines, not to mention the recently purchased NYT bestseller. For fun, these families revel in a day of roller coasters and cotton candy at the local theme park.
Single Sophisticates
For the most part, "Single Sophisticates" are single without any children in the household. Rather, this established audience is focused on their careers in engineering, education, healthcare and computers. Their above average incomes afford them comfortable suburban homes, as well as allow them to pay for education, gifts, contributions and personal insurance. They've also probably bought some household furnishings recently. "Single Sophisticates" enjoy surfing the net on their smartphones and cheering on their home team at any number of sporting events. They like to relax with a beer or their favorite distilled liquor and it's not unusual for this set to visit a foreign country for vacation.
Sittin' Pretty in the Suburbs
Sittin' Pretty in the Suburbs are mature married couples closing in on retirement. This audience probably still has some older children living with them in their high-end homes. They've been highly successful in their careers as executive managers, home-based business owners and successful in fact that they've built a substantial net worth for themselves, which includes stocks and investment real estate. "Sittin' Pretty in the Suburbs" earn well above average incomes that allow them to enjoy the finer things in life like luxury cars, vacations abroad and cruising the high seas.
Suburban Splendor
Suburban Splendor are married couples and their children living the good life in mid-size suburban settings where they reside in sprawling high-end homes. Theses engineers, doctors, executive managers and home-based business owners work hard and have already managed to build-up a sizable net worth. They enjoy reading magazines, driving luxury cars and taking fabulous family vacations to foreign lands. "Suburban Splendor's" extremely healthy incomes allow them to invest in real estate, buy top-of-the-line household furnishings, educate their children and to be quite generous with gifts and contributions.
Fast Trackers
Fast Trackers are rapidly ascending the ladder of success as lawyers, artists and careers in social science. These singles live in high-end condos and townhouses in the urban core. They enjoy dancing, participating in sports, cooking for fun and chillin' with friends over a beer or their fave distilled liquor. "Fast Trackers" use their less than average incomes for reading materials, clothes, student loans, personal care and other miscellaneous expenses. It also wouldn't be surprising if they recently downloaded the latest chart topper.
Momagers are living jam-packed lives with fast-paced careers as lawyers, professors and in the fields of social science and the arts. When work is finished, the race continues as these urban singles hop in their compact cars and head to their townhomes where their kids are waiting to hear what's for dinner. They use their slightly less than average incomes for reading materials, education, apparel, retail therapy and other miscellaneous expenses. With what's left over, they may purchase the latest NYT best seller or perhaps a new household appliance. When "Momagers" do eke out some free-time they like to go dancing, relax with a beer or two or chat with friends on their smartphones.
Success in the City
This established set is married with kids and in the midst of successful careers in the fields of education, social science and the arts. "Success in the City's" above average incomes allow them to buy reading materials, apparel, gifts and to educate their children. Recent purchases may have also included sports and recreation equipment for the kids, low-ticket home furnishings for their condo and even a piece of fine jewelry. Outside of work, you can find "Success in the City" volunteering for a charitable organization, or perhaps they just returned from a trip abroad.
Renaissance Retirees
Renaissance Retirees are retired from, or are in the twilight of, their careers in the arts, social science and in the legal sector. They're single and unlikely to have children living with them in their high-end urban rentals. They use their slightly below average household incomes for reading materials, apparel, personal insurance and other miscellaneous expenses. They have also recently purchased an item by phone, which they saw in a catalog. "Renaissance Retirees" enjoy reading their favorite newspaper or magazine with a glass of wine and volunteering for a charitable organization close to their hearts.
Affluent Aficionados
Affluent Aficionados are a married, middle-aged and child-free segment who are living a comfortable lifestyle in the big city. As lawyers and financial representatives they've done well for themselves and have managed to accrue a tidy net worth. Their above average incomes allow them to indulge in the finer things in life like luxury cars, fine jewelry and trips to foreign countries. On the flip side, "Affluent Aficionados" are also quite philanthropic and volunteer for charitable organizations in their free time.
Young and Hungry
Young and Hungry are unmarried and unlikely to have children in the household. Rather, they are putting their Bachelor's or Post-Grad degrees to work in their fledgling careers in social services and the armed forces. They tend to rent average condos and townhouses in smaller suburban settings with an above average crime index. There may also be a military base or correctional facility nearby, which would account for a higher population density than is typical for this area. With their limited incomes, "Young and Hungry" focus their spending on reading materials, utilities, personal care, healthcare and other miscellaneous expenses. Their free-time is spent dancing or relaxing with friends over a couple beers or other adult beverage of choice.
Making It Matriarchs
Making It Matriarchs are young unmarried mothers who are caring for children under the age of fifteen. Their careers are concentrated in the armed forces or social services. After work, these women head home to their rented condos for some quality time with their kids. Their below average income is applied to necessities such as utilities, personal care, healthcare and transportation. They have also recently purchased some clothes for themselves, toys for the kids and maybe even a piece of fine jewelry. "Making It Matriarchs" don't have a lot of free time, but when they do this group likes to go dancing or perhaps try out a new recipe on their family.
Retiring Retirees
Retiring Retirees have retired from their jobs in the armed forces or social services and are living a simple lifestyle in smaller suburban settings where they rent cozy townhomes. Although the suburbs they live in are on the smaller side, the local population is fairly dense due to a nearby military base or perhaps a correctional facility. Their limited fixed incomes handle the basics such as personal care, healthcare, utilities and retail expenses, with a little left over to buy that must-have item they recently saw in a catalog and ordered by phone. "Retiring Retirees" enjoy watching television, reading the newspaper and gardening.
Stuck in the Middle
Stuck in the Middle are a middle-aged, middle class audience that is more than likely married and certain to still have children at home. For the most part, these folks own condos or townhomes in suburban settings where the crime index tends to be on the high side. They're also more than likely living near a military base where they have a job in the armed forces. Although their income is slightly below average, they find the money for books, small kitchen appliances and women's clothing after the utilities and healthcare expenses are paid. In their spare time "Stuck in the Middle" can be found tooling around on their ATVs or volunteering for a charitable organization close to their hearts.
Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Home are living a low-key family life in comfortable homes in the suburbs. During the week, you can find these married computer experts and social servants carpooling to work in the subcompact car they share. Their above average incomes allow them to pay their personal care, transportation and healthcare expenses, while still leaving extra for that cool new gas grill they ordered on the internet or the new stainless steel fridge they bought when their old one finally bit the dust. For fun, "Home Sweet Home" enjoy a good book or listening to the music they recently downloaded.
Retirement Ready
Upper middle-aged empty nesters dominate this group of social servants and computer experts who are closing in on retirement. "Retirement Ready" enjoy reading the newspaper, playing the lottery and dining out at family restaurants. They also spend a fair amount of time volunteering for their favorite charity. Their less than average household income is directed towards reading materials, utilities, healthcare, transportation and other miscellaneous expenses. And with retirement on the horizon, "Retirement Ready" are also keen investors, with portfolios featuring stocks, mutual funds and investment real estate.
Frontline Families
Married with children of all ages, "Frontline Families" are living lives focused on home, family and duty to country. This audience probably owns an average condo or townhouse in smaller suburban areas--quite possibly near the military base where they're enlisted. They use their above average household incomes for home goods such as large kitchen appliances, low-ticket home furnishings and other household appliances. They have probably also recently purchased some new toys or perhaps a new movie to watch on their DVD or Blu-ray players. "Frontline Families" enjoy catching up on the latest news and trends compliments of their favorite magazines, as well as spending quality family time at the local theme park.
Settled Singles
Settled Singles are enjoying low-key lives in suburban areas where the crime index tends to be high. These computer techs and social servants bring home an average paycheck, which they use to buy reading materials, pay the utilities, cover healthcare expenses and to gas up their imported cars. For fun, "Settled Singles" like to go dancing, gamble or have their friends over to dine on their latest culinary masterpiece.
Low Income Laborers
Low Income Laborers are young singles who are unlikely to have children at home. For the most part, this segment has not completed high school, which drives their blue collar careers in maintenance, construction, farming and material moving. With a very limited household income, "Low Income Laborers" focus their spending on basics such as food & beverages, utilities, personal care, apparel and their tobacco habit. A night out might include dinner at their favorite fast food restaurant followed by dancing, or perhaps a beer or two with friends.
She Works Hard for the Money
She Works Hard for the Money are young single mothers caring for infants and toddlers. These moms probably did not finish high school and are supporting their families with low paying jobs in maintenance, farming, construction and material moving. With their below average incomes, these women buy food & beverages, pay for utilities and purchase apparel, tobacco products and the occasional toy if their budgets permit. For fun, "She Works Hard for the Money" enjoy reading magazines, a night out dancing and chatting on their smartphones.
Fixed Income
Fixed Income are mature singles who are unlikely to have children still living with them in their moderate suburban homes. Living off their well below average incomes, this mature group's frugal spending is geared towards food & beverages, utilities, personal care and tobacco products. "Fixed Income" enjoy watching television and are also probably members of a collector's club. It's also a safe bet that these folks have taken a prescription or two recently to remedy an ailment.
Flying Solo
Residing in comfortable homes in mid-size suburban areas, "Flying Solo" are middle-aged singles raising children on their own. These single parents probably haven't graduated from high school and work hard at their blue collar jobs in maintenance, construction, farming and material moving. With their below average incomes, this segment tends to focus their spending on basics such as utilities, personal care and tobacco. They have probably also bought new tires recently, as well as women's clothing. "Flying Solo" also spend a good amount of money on food & beverages, including the $150 or more per week they spend on groceries, as well as their frequent meals at fast food restaurants.
Gettin' By
Gettin' By are an upper middle-aged segment that is married and may also have children living with them in their modest suburban homes. They drive their compact and imported cars to their maintenance and construction jobs and use their below average incomes for food & beverages, tobacco, utilities, personal care and apparel--they probably also own some retirement real estate. They like to relax by watching their favorite programs on television and perhaps a little gardening as well.
La Familia
La Familia are married with children, enjoying a modest lifestyle in mid-size suburban settings. Although their jobs as farmers, maintenance engineers and construction workers don't bring in the "big bucks," they do make enough to buy $150+ per week in groceries, pay the utilities, pick up some new trousers for dad, put new tires on the family car and pay the smartphone bill. "La Familia" also manages the occasional little luxury like toys for the kids, family time at the local theme park or rawhide treats for Fido.
Daily Grind
Single, without any children in the household, "Daily Grind" are living unremarkable lives in mid-size suburban settings. These maintenance workers, construction laborers and material movers get around in their compact cars or on their motorcycles, for which they've probably just purchased new tires. "Daily Grind" are avid sports fans who enjoy tuning into their favorite programs on the radio, gambling, reading magazines and enjoying a beer or two with the guys.
Mamas and Papas
Mamas and Papas are maintenance workers, farmers and construction laborers who work hard to support their families. These homeowners spend their average incomes on utilities, apparel, payments on their imports or luxury cars and groceries, for which they drop upwards of $150 per week. Weekends find "Mamas and Papas" enjoying family time at the local theme park, playing catch in the backyard with Spot and purchasing new toys for kids who managed to get their weekly chores completed as promised.
American Dream
American Dream are married couples enjoying an idyllic suburban lifestyle with their children. Their above average incomes cover household expenses such as food & beverages, transportation, apparel, personal care and utilities, as well as extras like large kitchen appliances for their comfortable homes or perhaps a piece of fine jewelry for mom. "American Dream" enjoy reading magazines, gambling and spending quality time with the kids at the local theme park. They are also planning for the future with a growing nest egg that includes investments in real estate and mutual funds.
Single Simplicity
Single Simplicity are young singles, without children in the household, living in older rentals in mid-size suburban areas. You can find this audience driving their compact cars to their jobs as healthcare technicians, administrators and social servants. They spend their less than average household incomes on transportation, healthcare, utilities, tobacco products and other miscellaneous expenses. They have probably also recently purchased big-ticket home furnishings or small kitchen appliances. "Single Simplicity" spends their downtime surfing the net and eating out at fast food restaurants.
Modest Means Mommies
Modest Means Mommies are predominantly single women caring for children under the age of fifteen. After dropping off the kids at school or daycare, these busy moms head off to their healthcare technician and social services jobs. Their less than average incomes are earmarked for rent, transportation, healthcare, utilities and other miscellaneous expenses. Some of their other recent purchases include new clothing for themselves, as well as new toys for the kids. When they do get some free time, "Modest Means Mommies" like to go dancing, read magazines, listen to the radio and treat the kids to dinner at McDonald's or Burger King.
Suburban Sunsetters
Suburban Sunsetters are a mature set, comprised heavily of single women who are unlikely to still have children living at home. On the verge of retirement, or newly retired, from their jobs in social services and healthcare, this audience lives in unexceptional rentals in mid-size suburbs. Their lean fixed income is geared towards transportation, utilities and healthcare, while still leaving a bit left over for new women's clothing. "Suburban Sunsetters" enjoy watching television, as well as making long distance calls to their loved ones.
Mid-Life Matriarchs
Mid-Life Matriarchs are middle-aged, single women who still have children living with them in their modest, single family suburban homes. These high school graduates and Associate's degree holders work hard at their jobs in the fields of social services, administration and healthcare. Their less than average incomes allow them to tackle healthcare and transportation expenses, utility bills and tobacco purchases. In addition, "Mid-Life Matriarchs" have probably recently purchased a new outfit for themselves or some low-ticket home furnishings to spruce up their digs. Downtime is spent eating out at fast food restaurants, attending sporting events or simply taking a little me-time to snuggle with the cat.
Handy Homeowners
Single, without any children at home, "Handy Homeowners" live in modest single family homes located in the suburbs. These healthcare technicians, administrators and social servants pull down a less than average income, but it's still enough to pay for basics like auto insurance, utilities, healthcare, tobacco products and other miscellaneous expenses. They also have enough remaining to cover the improvements they made to their homes recently. They like to relax by listening to the game on the radio or perhaps surfing the net to see what's going on in the world. "Handy Homeowners" also enjoy riding their motorcycles to the joint down the road to enjoy a beer or two with their buddies.
Family-Friendly are young married couples, with children of all ages, leading active lifestyles in the suburbs. With a tight budget resulting from their less than average household incomes, "Family-Friendly" tend to focus their spending on transportation, healthcare, utilities and $150+ per week on groceries. But occasionally there's a little extra to get new toys for the kids, the latest chart-topper by their favorite artist or that new kitchen gadget mom's had her eye on. Weekends are devoted to family pursuits such as playing fetch with Fido or perhaps taking their standard car to the local theme park for a day of family fun.
Home Alone
Home Alone are predominantly mature single women living out their golden years in modest suburban homes. These retirees enjoy watching television, reading the newspaper and making long distance calls to friends and family who don't live nearby. Although they don't make too many frivolous purchases, their limited fixed income is enough to cover basics such as utilities, transportation, medical insurance and other miscellaneous expenses. "Home Alone" have probably also taken a prescription remedy recently for an ailment, as well as a vitamin or supplement to support their overall health.
Rest and Relaxation
Rest and Relaxation are empty nesters enjoying their retirement years in mid-size suburban settings. Free from both career and parenting responsibilities, these couples like to go gambling, work in their gardens and keep abreast of current affairs by reading the newspaper. They spend their limited household income on transportation, utilities, tobacco products and insurance--both medical and life. "Rest and Relaxation" are also likely taking a prescription or two for various ailments, as well as a vitamin or supplement to protect their overall health.
Sublime Suburbia
Sublime Suburbia are married couples who do not have any children in the household. They live in suburban homes built before 1990 and enjoy careers in the fields of social services, healthcare and administration. Their above average household income is focused on transportation, healthcare, utilities and tobacco products. They have probably also purchased some men's clothing or a piece of fine jewelry recently. "Sublime Suburbia" also have an eye on the future and probably own some type of investment/retirement real estate. These folks enjoy playing the lottery and the radio in their compact cars is probably tuned into the sporting event du jour.
Parenthood the Sequel
Parenthood the Sequel are mature couples whose children have never left, or have recently returned to, the nest. These suburban homeowners enjoy gambling, gardening and doting on the family cat. As hard-working healthcare technicians, social servants, administrators and home-based business owners, "Parenthood the Sequel" pull down a less than average household income, but it's enough to cover transportation expenses, healthcare costs, utilities and other miscellaneous purchases. Plus, there's occasionally a little extra to buy some new duds for the men of the house and perhaps even a piece of fine jewelry for mom.
Family First
Family First are married couples who have their hands full caring for a household of children of all ages. These families tend to live in average homes in mid-size suburban settings. Mom works as a healthcare technician or in social services, while dad is an ambitious entrepreneur with a thriving home-based business. Their above average incomes easily accommodate their utility bills, transportation costs and healthcare expenses, while leaving enough left over for sports or recreation equipment, toys, men's clothing and small kitchen appliances. For fun, "Family First" enjoy cheering on their home team at local sporting events and you can bet the radio in their compact car is tuned into the local sports channel.
Suburban Satisfaction
Suburban Satisfaction are middle-aged married couples and their children enjoying a comfortable lifestyle in mid-size suburban settings. Their above average incomes cover the household bills with enough left over to splurge on extras like men's clothing, fine jewelry and sports/recreation equipment for the kids. And with college looming in the not so distant future, you can bet these parents also make regular deposits into the college savings plan they set-up for their children. For fun, "Suburban Satisfaction" enjoy attending sporting events, tooling around on their ATVs or tuning in the local game on the radio in their mid-size SUV.
Overalls and Workboots
Overalls and Workboots are a middle-aged audience that is not likely to be married or have children at home. Rather, these folks are focused on making a living in the rural township they call home. As high school graduates, this segment holds down jobs in installation, production, transportation and construction. Their below average income supports a basic lifestyle that includes rent for their humble abodes, transportation, healthcare and food & beverages. They have probably also purchased tires or a household appliance recently. "Overalls and Workboots" enjoy listening to the radio, a night out dancing and meeting up with their friends to knock back a couple beers, which they enjoy with their preferred tobacco product.
Making Ends Meet
Making Ends Meet are young, single and caring for children of all ages in America's rural regions. These folks work hard at their day jobs in installation, transportation, production and construction and even harder after the work whistle blows as single parents. With incomes that are below the national average, this group's expenses center around transportation, healthcare, tobacco products and food & beverages. They have probably also managed some new tires for their standard cars, new toys for their kids and perhaps a rawhide treat for the family dog. When "Making Ends Meet" do get a spare moment, they like to listen to the radio and read outdoor media.
Rural Roots
Rural Roots are largely single retirees with no children left at home, living in the rural town they've probably lived in most of their lives. This mature, largely female audience exists on an extremely tight fixed income, which they use to maintain their standard cars, pay for medial insurance, purchase tobacco products and buy food & beverages. It's likely they also own some type of retirement real estate. "Rural Roots" like to relax by reading about current events in their local newspaper and watching their favorite shows on television.
Small Town Struggles
For the most part, "Small Town Struggles" are married and still have children living at home. These families typically live in modest homes in rural America. Many folks in this segment have already retired, but those who haven't can be seen driving their compact pick-ups to their jobs in installation, production, transportation and construction--some even have home-based businesses they're trying to get off the ground. Their less than average household incomes cover basic requirements including food & beverages, transportation, healthcare and tobacco products. Little extras may include new tires for the motorcycle, women's clothing, a new chew toy for the family dog or perhaps something special they spotted in a mail order catalog. "Small Town Struggles" enjoy a good cigar and hitting the open road on their ATV.
Rustic Reality
Rustic Reality are installation contractors, production workers, construction laborers and healthcare technicians who tend to be single and most likely don't have any children in the household. These folks are rural homeowners who don’t have a lot of income at their disposal and what they do take home is earmarked for maintaining their vans, pick-ups and motorcycles, paying healthcare expenses, buying food & beverages and supporting their tobacco habit. "Rustic Reality" enjoy working on their homes and cars and own a variety of tools to help them get the job done. They also like tuning in their favorite programs on the radio.
Small Town Sensibility
Married, with children still living at home, "Small Town Sensibility" are an upper middle-aged segment living low-key lives in rural America. These high school graduates work hard at their production, transportation and construction jobs and some have even launched a home-based business venture. Their average incomes pay for vehicle maintenance and upkeep, healthcare expenses and food & beverages. "Small Town Sensibility" enjoy taking in a sporting event on the radio, eating at fast food restaurants and doting on their multiple pets. They also spend a fair amount of time volunteering for the charitable organization near and dear to them.
Carefree in the Country
Carefree in the Country are middle-aged singles living a peaceful existence in rural locales. These installation specialists, production workers, construction laborers and healthcare technicians pull down average incomes that easily cover their transportation expenses, healthcare costs, food & beverages and insurance premiums--both home and auto. They probably also own some real estate where they plan to retire one day. For fun, "Carefree in the Country" enjoy gardening and off-roading on their ATV.
Kids Country
Kids Country are married couples raising children of all ages in a country setting where the pace is slower and life is a little more simple. Mom and Dad are high school graduates with jobs in installation and production, in addition to managing a home-based business on the side. They spend their average incomes on maintenance and upkeep for their multiple vehicles, healthcare, toys for the kids and chewing tobacco for themselves. For fun, "Kids Country" enjoy exploring the countryside on their ATVs, listening to their favorite programs on the radio and reading outdoor media.
Rural Retirees
Rural Retirees are married couples who no longer have kids living under their roof. As retired installation workers, production specialists, transportation experts and construction workers, these folks now enjoy more peaceful pursuits such as gardening, ATV off-roading and catching up with friends and family who are just a long distance phone call away. While "Rural Retirees" probably won't be taking a five-star cruise anytime soon, their average household incomes are more than adequate to handle their transportation, healthcare and food & beverage expenses.
Small Town USA
Small Town USA are families enjoying the simple pleasures small town living has to offer. Mom and Dad enjoy solid jobs in the fields of production, transportation and installation. Some of the more enterprising folks even run a successful home-based business. Their above average incomes allow them to maintain their motorcycles, full-size pick-ups and other domestic autos, as well as cover healthcare costs, food & beverage expenses and care for their four-legged family members. "Small Town USA" spend quality family time cruising the countryside on their ATVs, listening to the game on the radio and reading outdoor media.
Rural Rigors
Rural Rigors are single without any children in the household living in humble rentals in rural farm settings. These high school graduates work long days farming their fields or in the fields of transportation, production, installation and law enforcement. Many of these folks may not even be in the labor force currently. Their below average household incomes are spent on basics such as healthcare, retail purchases, food & beverages, utilities and tobacco products. It's also probable that they have recently purchased a household appliance. "Rural Rigors" spend their downtime watching television, reading outdoor media and off-roading on their ATV.
Heartland Hardships
Single with children at home, these young mothers are struggling to eke out a living in rural America. As farmers, transportation experts, production workers, law enforcement officers and construction workers, "Heartland Hardships" pull down just enough to cover healthcare expenses, food & beverage purchases, utilities and to indulge their tobacco habit. Occasionally, there's enough remaining to put new tires on their standard cars, surprise the kids with a new toy, buy a new household appliance or score a new outfit for mom. For fun, "Heartland Hardships" enjoy eating out at fast food restaurants and playing catch with the family dog.
Twilight Time
Twilight Time are a predominantly single segment living out their golden years in humble homes in rural locales. These rustic retirees enjoy watching their favorite programs on television, making long distance calls to loved ones and indulging in their love of chewing tobacco. "Twilight Time" have basic needs, making their limited fixed income sufficient for the prescription remedy they take for an ailment, maintenance and upkeep of their compact pick-ups, minor retail purchases, food & beverages and utilities.
Farmhouse Families
Farmhouse Families are married couples raising children of all ages in rural America. Mom and Dad are farmers, transportation experts, production workers and home-based business owners. Although the income associated with these jobs doesn't accommodate too many luxuries, there is enough to cover new tires for their domestic cars, food & beverages, chewing tobacco, utilities, retail expenses and healthcare costs. These folks have probably also bought a large kitchen appliance or other household appliance recently. Downtime for "Farmhouse Families" includes off-roading adventures on their ATVs, spending time with their four-legged fur babies and reading outdoor media.
Heartland Homes
Heartland Homes are mature married couples who may or may not have children living with them in their modest homes in rural America. Recently retired, or on the verge of retiring, from their jobs in farming, production, law enforcement and construction, this set has managed to squirrel away a modest net worth for themselves, which probably includes some real estate in the mix. Their less than average household incomes allow them to manage healthcare expenses, retail expenditures, utilities and food & beverage purchases, as well as indulge their tobacco cravings. A good time for "Heartland Homes" includes hitting the open road on their ATVs and catching up with friends and family who are just a long distance phone call away.
Peace and Plenty
Peace and Plenty are married with children, enjoying all the comforts a peaceful life in the country has to offer. These families enjoy reading outdoor media, ATV off-roading and playing fetch with Fido. Mom and Dad work hard at their jobs in farming, transportation, production and installation--some are even thriving entrepreneurs running successful home-based businesses. Their above average incomes are used for healthcare expenses, retail purchases, food & beverages, utilities and tobacco products. "Peace and Plenty" also mange to invest a little each month and probably own some stocks and real estate.
Single Serenity
Single Serenity are young, single and living a simple life in the country. Although these country folks live in rural areas, a nearby correctional facility or mental institution could account for the denser population per square mile. These folks drive their standard cars or motorcycles to their jobs in social services and healthcare. Their below average incomes are allocated for retail purchases, healthcare, reading materials, tobacco products, utilities and other miscellaneous expenses. When they're not on the job, "Single Serenity" enjoy following their hometown teams, browsing the internet and listening to the radio. They also like getting together with friends after work to share a beer or two.
Single Moms Club
Single Moms Club are a segment comprised largely of single women caring for children 15 years and younger. These working moms have jobs in the fields of social services and healthcare, where they make less than average household incomes. Their typical expenditures include retail purchases, reading materials, utilities and tobacco products. They have probably also recently purchased some new clothes for mom, new toys for the kids and some low-ticket home furnishings to spruce up their modest rentals. Although "Single Moms Club" is located in a more rural area, close proximity to a correctional facility, nursing home or other similar institution makes the population per square mile denser than it would be otherwise.
Rustic Retired Renters
Rustic Retired Renters are mature singles living out their golden years in the peace and quiet of the country. Due to a nearby correctional facility, mental hospital or other such institution, the population density in this segment is higher than it would be in a similar rural area. "Rustic Retired Renters" enjoy watching television, reading the newspaper and making long distance calls to friends and family. Their limited fixed income is allocated for healthcare, reading materials, utilities, tobacco products and other miscellaneous expenses. It's also likely that they've bought a small kitchen appliance recently. You can bet most "Rustic Retired Renters" have also taken a prescription or two for minor ailments, as well as a vitamin or supplement for their overall health.
Cozy in the Country
Cozy in the Country couples and their children enjoy an idyllic existence in rural America. Mom and Dad have rewarding careers in sales or as successful home-based business owners. Their average household incomes stretch further in their small town, providing more than enough to pay for retail purchases, that new household appliance Mom's had her eye on, healthcare bills, utilities and reading materials for everyone in the family. For fun, these families like to go dancing, throw dinner parties where they can try out new recipes on friends and family and hitting nearby country roads on their motorcycles and ATVs. "Cozy in the Country" have probably also spent a fair amount of time volunteering for a charitable organization near to their hearts.
Small Town Seniors
As mature singles without children at home, "Small Town Seniors" are enjoying the perks of retired life in small town America. As a result of a nearby correctional facility or nursing home, this segment exhibits a higher population density than similar rural settings. This group of seniors lives on a limited fixed income, which they use for reading materials, healthcare, retail purchases and other miscellaneous expenses. It's highly likely "Small Town Seniors" also own some retirement real estate. These homeowners enjoy watching sporting events on television, reading about current events in their hometown newspaper and being active participants in collector's clubs.
Aging Xers
Aging Xers are comprised of middle-aged singles without any children in the household. Rather, these folks are focused on their Sales careers, where they pull down an average income. They have managed to save a tidy net worth for themselves thus far and have diverse portfolios that include stocks and mutual funds, as well as retirement real estate. What they're not investing or putting into a retirement plan is used for healthcare expenses, retail purchases and reading materials. They also like to indulge their love of travel and have probably taken a cruise recently, as well as multiple trips abroad. When they're not traveling, "Aging Xers" enjoy playing the lottery and relaxing with a glass or two of wine.
Country Comfort
Country Comfort are married with children of all ages. Although they live in a semirural locale, the population density for this segment tends to be higher than normal for such areas due to the nearby correctional facility, nursing home or other similar institution. As sales reps and home-based business owners, "Country Comfort" pull down average incomes, which they spend on household appliances, sports/recreation equipment, new toys for the kids and low-ticket home furnishings. Family fun time usually means a trip to the local theme park for a day of roller coasters, ring toss and cotton candy.
Relaxed to the Max
As its name suggests, "Relaxed to the Max" are married couples enjoying a peaceful retirement in nonurban settings. These retirees live on average household incomes, which they use for retail therapy, healthcare expenses, reading materials and other miscellaneous expenses. They also have a healthy net worth, which probably includes investment or retirement real estate. "Relaxed to the Max" enjoy gambling, watching sporting events on TV, reading the newspaper and driving their luxury cars to their local family restaurant for dinner. It's also quite likely that these couples recently returned tanned and rested from their cruise on the high seas.
Senior Struggles in the City
Senior Struggles in the City are mature singles who are getting by in the big city. Retired from jobs in personal care & service, social services and healthcare support, this group now lives on limited fixed incomes which, in the pricey urban core in which they live, cover basics such as retail purchases, personal care, utilities and food & beverages. This group of renters likely lives in multi-family units, on which they carry renter insurance to protect their valuables. They enjoy watching television and indulging the smoking habit they picked up in their younger years. It's likely "Senior Struggles in the City" take a prescription or two for various ailments, as well as a vitamin or supplement for specific health benefits.
Unassuming Urbanites
Unassuming Urbanites are single without children, living a modest existence in the inner city. These folks probably did not graduate from high school and are holding down jobs in the fields of fire prevention, personal care & service, social services and healthcare support. They tend to spend their less than average household income on retail purchases, personal care, utilities, food & beverages, healthcare, apparel, tobacco and reading materials. It's quite possible they have also purchased a piece of fine jewelry recently. For fun, "Unassuming Urbanites" enjoy dancing, cooking for friends and family and surfing the net, where they've recently downloaded the new album by their favorite artist.
Paycheck-to-Paycheck skews heavily towards single mothers who are raising their children in the urban core in townhome/condo rentals. This group of personal care associates, fire fighters, social servants and healthcare support employees pull down a less than average income, but it's enough to cover their retail purchases, utilities, tobacco products, food & beverages and personal care. Anything extra is allocated for women's clothing, big-ticket home furnishings and perhaps even a piece of fine jewelry. "Paycheck-to-Paycheck" enjoy a night on the town dancing, sharing a glass of wine or two with friends and treating the kids to a day of thrills and chills at the local theme park.
City Standards
City Standards are married couples and their children enjoying a moderate lifestyle in the urban core. Mom and Dad work in the fields of fire prevention, social services and healthcare support where they earn an average income that they use for retail purchases, reading materials, food & beverages, apparel and healthcare expenses. These families like to travel and have probably recently returned from a cruise or perhaps from a vacation abroad. When "City Standards" are not vacationing, these folks enjoy reading magazines, surfing the net and trying their luck at the local casino.
Singular Focus
Singular Focus are single professionals who probably don't have any children in the household. Rather, this ambitious set is focused on their careers in computers, architecture, sales and management. These savvy singles live in high-end homes and rental properties located on the fringes of urban centers. They spend their above average incomes on maintaining and managing their homes, education, personal insurance, gifts and contributions. When they're not working, "Singular Focus" can be found rooting for the hometown team at a local sporting event, texting with friends on their smartphones and downloading that hot new single by their favorite artist. For some serious R&R, this group jets off to foreign locales for a well deserved vacation.
Raring for Retirement
Raring for Retirement may or may not be married and are unlikely to have children still living at home with them. Instead, this group of nearly, or newly, retired professionals is living a carefree lifestyle on the urban fringe. Their careers in computers, engineering, management and sales earn them above average incomes, which they spend on their homes, personal insurance, apparel, gifts and contributions. They've accumulated a healthy net worth for themselves, which probably includes some stocks, as well as some retirement real estate. "Raring for Retirement" enjoy driving their luxury cars to their favorite family restaurant for dinner or relaxing with a glass or two of wine. These folks are also looking forward to the cruise vacation they plan on taking in a couple of months.
Fortuitous Families
Fortuitous Families are middle-aged married couples with children living high-end lives along the urban fringe. These computer experts, engineers and corporate managers pull down well above average incomes, which allow them to provide their families with the finer things in life including well appointed homes, luxury cars, fine jewelry, vacations abroad and top-of-the-line sports/recreation equipment for the kids. "Fortuitous Families" are also quite philanthropic and volunteer their time and talent to a charitable organization near and dear to them.
Life in the Fam Lane
Life in the Fam Lane are married couples raising young children in large-scale suburban settings located just outside of the city limit. These fortunate families enjoy comfortable lives thanks to Mom's and Dad's successful careers in computers, engineering, management and sales. Their well above average household incomes afford them all of life's necessities, plus extras such as high-end homes, imported cars, new toys for the kids and the latest in sports & recreation equipment. For quality family time, "Life in the Fam Lane" enjoy cheering on the home team at a local sporting event and a day of fast rides and sweet treats at the nearby theme park. These families are also focused on helping those who are less fortunate by volunteering at a local charitable organization.
Suburban Challenges
Suburban Challenges are material movers, healthcare support specialists, production workers and food preparation & service employees who are young, single and do not have children living with them in their modest rentals located outside of city centers. Their less than average incomes are focused on basics such as retail purchases, utilities, food & beverages, healthcare and tobacco products. When they're not working, "Suburban Challenges" enjoy watching television, listening to the radio, reading magazines and surfing the net. They also like to unwind with their favorite distilled liquor, perhaps while listening to the music they recently downloaded.
Foundering Families
Foundering Families are married with children, living a pinched existence in large-scale suburban settings. Mom and Dad work hard at their jobs in healthcare support, production and food preparation & service--some may even be unemployed currently. Their less than average household incomes support their family's basic needs including food & beverages, utilities, healthcare, personal care and tobacco products. Occasionally there's some left over for that new outfit for mom, new toys for the kids or a new household appliance for their modest rental. "Foundering Families" enjoy getting together for dinner at their favorite fast food restaurant.
Surviving in Suburbia
Surviving in Suburbia are predominantly single mothers and their children under the age of 10, living an indigent existence in large suburban settings. They hold down jobs in food preparation & service, production and healthcare support and many may also be currently unemployed. Their considerably less than average household income helps them pay for food & beverages, utilities, healthcare and other miscellaneous expenses. What remains helps buy women's clothing, household appliances and toys for the kids. When they get a moment to relax, "Surviving in Suburbia" enjoy listening to the radio and reading their favorite magazines.
Cash-Strapped Seniors
Cash-Strapped Seniors are single retirees without any children at home, living hand-to-mouth in large-scale suburban areas. With their extremely limited fixed incomes, these seniors focus their spending on basic necessities including utilities, food & beverages, healthcare, personal care and tobacco products. It's likely this audience uses a prescription or two to combat various ailments, as well as a vitamin or supplement for their overall health. "Cash-Strapped Seniors" keep up with current events compliments of their local newspaper and enjoy tuning in their favorite programs on television and the radio.
Middle-Aged Matrons
This audience of single, middle-aged moms and their children are living indigent lives in large-scale suburban settings. "Middle-Aged Matrons" struggle to make ends meet with their jobs in material moving, food preparation & service, healthcare support and production, however many of them are also currently unemployed. Although they don't have excess income at their disposal, they do have enough to pay for utilities, healthcare, personal care and food & beverages. With what's left, these folks have probably also purchased new tires for their standard cars, women's clothing and cigarettes or cigars. When they get some time to relax, "Middle-Aged Matrons" enjoy listening to the radio or tuning in their favorite shows on television.
True Blue
True Blue are middle-aged couples and their kids living your typical middle class lifestyle in suburban areas where the crime index tends to be on the high side. Mom and Dad work blue collar jobs in the fields of healthcare support, social services, fire prevention and material moving. Those with an entrepreneurial bent are home-based business owners. These families do tend to have some consumer debt, with their average household incomes earmarked for utilities, food & beverages, healthcare, personal care and retail purchases. They have probably also purchased some men's clothing recently or a new toy for the family cat. "True Blue" enjoy eating out at family restaurants, watching the game on television and relaxing with a glass or two of their preferred distilled beverage.
Retired Repose
Retired Repose are mature, married couples who no longer have children living at home. They're retired from their jobs in material moving, healthcare support and production and are enjoying their golden years in their modest homes located in larger suburban settings. Their below average household incomes are allocated for retail purchases, utilities, food & beverages, healthcare and other miscellaneous expenses. They have probably also purchased some new tires recently for their domestic auto. "Retired Repose" are members of collector's clubs and also enjoy watching television and reading the newspaper.
Middle-Aged Mavericks
Middle-Aged Mavericks are single without any children in the household. They hold down jobs in social services, fire prevention, healthcare support or they may also be currently unemployed. Their less than average household incomes pay for the utilities, food & beverages, chewing tobacco, life insurance and other miscellaneous expenses. They have also probably purchased some new tires recently. "Middle-Aged Mavericks" enjoy a night on the town gambling, as well as picking up lottery tickets on their way home from work. They like to relax by reading magazines, listening to their favorite tunes on the radio and treating themselves to some comfort food at their favorite family restaurant.
Punch Card Parents
Punch Card Parents are married couples and their children living an active family life in large-scale suburban areas. After dropping off the kids at school, Mom and Dad drive their compact cars to their nine-to-five in healthcare support. Some punch the time clock at home as home-based business entrepreneurs. Still others may be currently unemployed. Their average household incomes help pay for utilities, healthcare expenses, personal care, retail purchases and tobacco products. They have also recently replaced the tires on the family van and bought that must-have new toy for their kids. For fun, "Punch Card Parents" enjoy listening to the radio, perhaps while browsing through the latest issue of their favorite magazine.
Working Class Warriors
Working Class Warriors are single parents who still have children in the household. These social servants, fire fighters, healthcare techs, administrators and material movers live in single family homes in larger suburban settings where the crime index is above average. When they're not on the job, this group enjoys reading magazines, listening to the radio and surfing the net. "Working Class Warriors" pull down average household incomes that pay for the lease on their luxury car, women's clothing, the refrigerator they recently purchased, utilities, food & beverages and tobacco products.
Rooms for Improvement
Rooms for Improvement are an audience of young singles living a modest existence in the urban sprawl they call home. Their jobs in the armed forces and food preparation & service earn them less than average wages, which they spend on retail purchases, utilities, personal care, food & beverages and their cigarette habit. For fun, these renters enjoy going dancing, surfing the net and getting together with friends to relax with a beer or two, while everyone enjoys that new recipe "Rooms for Improvement" discovered in their favorite magazine.
Workin' for a Livin'
Workin' for a Livin' are young, single moms caring for children 10 years and younger. These moms work hard at their jobs in the armed forces and food preparation & service. After work, they head home to the condo they rent to help the kids with their homework before taking them to their favorite fast food restaurant for dinner. "Workin' for a Livin' " take home less than average paychecks, which they spend on food & beverages, utilities, tobacco products and healthcare. They have also recently purchased some new clothing for themselves, toys for the kids and that new toaster oven that's been on their wish list. For fun, this group enjoys going dancing, surfing the net and texting with friends on their smartphones.
Final Frontier
Final Frontier are mature singles getting by in America's urban centers. This audience is nearly, or newly, retired from their jobs in the armed forces, food preparation & service and administration and is looking forward to a little rest and relaxation as they begin the next chapter of their lives. Although this group doesn't have a lot of income at their disposal, there is enough to handle the utility bills, healthcare expenses, retail purchases and food & beverages. With what remains, "Final Frontier" have probably also purchased a piece of fine jewelry recently, along with an item from their favorite catalog. This group enjoys watching television, trying their luck at the local casino and they're looking forward to the cruise they're going to be taking over the holidays.
Kiddies in the City
Kiddies in the City are married couples and their children enjoying active family lives in the city. Mom and Dad have careers in the armed forces, food preparation & service and administrative/clerical where they earn average incomes that adequately support their family's lifestyle. These folks spend their money on personal care, healthcare, utilities, food & beverages and retail purchases and the kids have probably gotten some new toys recently. For fun, "Kiddies in the City" enjoy a night out dancing, listening to the game on the radio, a day of fun in the sun at the local theme park and taking a trip to a foreign locale. These families are also philanthropic and can be found volunteering at a local charitable organization close to their hearts.
Everyday Earners
Everyday Earners are middle-aged singles enjoying a comfortable city existence. These armed forces enlistees, food preparation workers and administrators earn average salaries, which are more than adequate for handling their household bills including utilities, healthcare expenses, food & beverages and personal care, as well as their internet and catalog purchases. "Everyday Earners" also have an eye on the future with investments in both stocks and mutual funds. When this group wants to relax they enjoy traveling and it's likely they've taken a cruise or a trip to an exotic foreign locale recently.
Suburban Surplus
Suburban Surplus are married couples with children living a privileged lifestyle in the suburbs. Mom and Dad enjoy careers as lawyers, corporate managers, doctors and financial experts. Their well above average household incomes are used to maintain and manage their well appointed homes, as well as for personal insurance, gifts, contributions, apparel and education. "Suburban Surplus" enjoy relaxing with a glass of wine while reading the NYT bestseller they recently purchased. These families also enjoy spending quality time together, whether that means a day of thrills and chills at the local theme park or an extended family vacation to a foreign locale.
Regal Retirees
Regal Retirees are mature empty nesters making the most of their golden years. Both singles and couples belong to this segment that's enjoying the good life, with generous fixed incomes that allow them to maintain and manage their posh homes, gas up their luxury cars, purchase catalog and internet must-haves, make contributions to causes they support and buy gifts for family and friends. In addition, this group also has an extremely healthy net worth with diverse portfolios that include stocks and mutual funds. "Regal Retirees" like to relax with a glass of wine or perhaps catch up on current events compliments of their local newspaper. This set also enjoys traveling and is probably either returning from, or planning, a luxurious cruise vacation or trip abroad.
Posh Professionals
Posh Professionals are lawyers, doctors, corporate managers and financial advisors living the good life in mid-size suburban areas. This group is more likely to be single and may or may not have children living with them in their luxury rentals. Their substantial household incomes allow them to effortlessly manage and maintain their stylish homes, contribute to worthy causes, lavish loved ones with gifts, purchase the latest fashion trends and make payments on lingering student loans. "Posh Professionals" enjoy cheering on their hometown sports teams, surfing the net on their smartphones, relaxing to the new album they recently downloaded and enjoying a day out with the kids at the local theme park.
Family Fortune
Family Fortune are middle-aged married couples with children living a life of luxury in mid-size suburban settings. With their enviable incomes, these doctors, lawyers and financial consultants are able to afford the very best for themselves and their families including luxury cars, beautifully appointed high-end homes, designer apparel, gifts for friends & family and personal insurance. These families have also accumulated a substantial net worth with investments in stocks and mutual funds. For fun, "Family Fortune" enjoy reading magazines and taking lavish vacations to foreign locales. These families are also quite philanthropic and volunteer for charitable organizations near to their hearts.
Singular Sensations
Singular Sensations are middle-aged singles living privileged lives in mid-size suburban areas. These lawyers, corporate managers, doctors and financial consultants pull down sizable incomes that support lavish homes, luxury cars, high-end apparel, personal insurance, gifts and contributions. This set also has a substantial net worth with investments in various stocks. When they're not working, "Singular Sensations" enjoy gambling, relaxing with a glass or two of wine and traveling abroad or cruising the high seas on a well deserved vacation.
City Survivors
City Survivors are single without children, living day-to-day in urban areas. These folks work hard at their jobs in fire prevention, healthcare support, personal care & service and maintenance--many of them may also be currently unemployed. Their meager incomes are focused on basics such as retail purchases, personal care, food & beverages, utilities, tobacco products and healthcare. For fun, "City Survivors" enjoy cheering on their hometown teams, listening to the radio, reading magazines and surfing the net.
Urban Underdogs
Urban Underdogs are mature seniors maintaining modest homes in urban areas where the crime index tends to be high. Although they don't have a lot of income at their disposal, there is enough to pay for food & beverages, utilities, tobacco products, healthcare and other miscellaneous expenses. When they're not at their jobs in the fields of fire prevention, healthcare support, maintenance and social services, "Urban Underdogs" enjoy tuning in their favorite programs on television and the radio.
Underprivileged Urbanites
Comprised heavily of single women and their children, "Underprivileged Urbanites" are living an indigent existence in the city. This audience's substantially less than average incomes are allocated for basics such as food & beverages, utilities, tobacco products, toys for the kids, women's clothing and other miscellaneous expenses. When they're not on the job as fire fighters, healthcare support personnel, personal care experts and social services professionals, "Underprivileged Urbanites" enjoy going dancing, reading magazines, listening to the radio and watching television.
One Day at a Time
One Day at a Time are middle-aged married couples and their children eking out a modest existence in our country's urban centers. Mom and Dad work long hours at their jobs in fire prevention, healthcare support, maintenance and social services--some may also be unemployed currently. Their less than average household incomes go toward the utility bills, food & beverages, tobacco products, healthcare expenses and personal care. This group has also probably bought some new tires recently, along with one or two catalog or internet purchases. When they're not on the job, "One Day at a Time" enjoy listening to the radio, playing the lottery and spending quality time with the kids at their favorite family restaurant.
Livin' Large
Livin' Large are married couples with children, living a prosperous lifestyle in the city. In addition to their sizable household incomes, this audience also has a substantial net worth that probably includes some investment real estate. For fun, "Livin' Large" enjoy listening to the radio, surfing the net, throwing dinner parties where they can serve up their latest gourmet triumphs and treating themselves to fabulous vacations including trips to foreign countries and luxurious cruises.