Connex Life Stage Clusters

11 segments grouped according to life stage events. Designed to segment households by their life stage such as their age, marital status, presence of children, and retirement status.

Cluster Name
Newly Minted
Young, single and just getting started on life's journey, "Newly Minted" are enjoying their recently earned adult status in the bright lights of the big city. With fledgling careers in the culinary arts, social services and computers, many of these ambitious millennials plan to change jobs in the next year in order to maximize their earning and growth potential. After hours are spent with friends dancing at the local club, sharing a beer or two at a favorite joint or relaxing with their significant other over a new recipe they discovered on Pinterest. Their Ramen noodle budget limits their spending to basics such as food & beverages, utilities, rent and renters insurance, with the occasional retail splurge and audio download...and with many "Newly Minted" expecting to get engaged in the new future, it's time to start saving for the big day.
Me to We
Although "Me To We" have left their twenties behind, these city dwellers still have plenty of firsts to look forward to as they gradually transition into middle age. For one, after crushing it at their first few healthcare jobs, these goal seekers plan to parlay their hard won experience to land their dream job in the next year. They're also taking their relationship to the next level with plans to get engaged in the not too distant future. When they're not planning their future, these men and women are on their smartphones documenting their present, uploading selfies of their latest escapades to Facebook and Instagram. You can also find them surfing their fave cooking sites for new recipes they can surprise their significant other with. When they get some downtime, "Me To We" enjoy relaxing to the Classic Rock hits they downloaded to their smartphone or tune in on the radio.
Mama Mia
Despite their already hectic schedules as single moms with demanding full-time jobs, "Mama Mia" have no plans to slow down as they cruise into mid-life at full speed. For one, many of these women plan to get engaged in the near future, so when they're off the clock from their day jobs in healthcare support and social services, they'll be flipping through their favorite magazines for chic wedding ideas and new outfits for the showers their friends are sure to throw them. Those not planning a wedding are planning to become a parent again in the next year. Although this isn't their first rodeo, decorating the nursery and baby proofing takes a fair amount of planning, for which they spend a fair amount of time online searching for style ideas and baby bargains. Whether they're getting married or having a baby, "Mama Mia" can all agree that buying their first house is definitely in their future plans and they have probably purchased a household appliance recently in preparation for their new digs.
School Daze
From soccer games and science fairs to SATs and prom, "School Daze" are married couples whose schedules revolve around the comings and going of their toddlers, tweens and teens. Representing the younger end of this segment are the new parents who are looking forward to buying their first home in the next year that will accommodate their growing family. One or both of these moms and dads are also planning to make a job change for a position requiring less travel and late hours. On the older side of this segment are the parents with teens. In fact, many of these folks have children headed to college come fall. These folks are looking into buying a second home in the next year where the family can reconnect on holidays and summer break. With their above average income, "School Daze" lives a comfortable suburban lifestyle including new toys for the kids, high-end sports equipment for their star athletes and most recently a brand new dishwasher for mom.
Approaching the Finish Line
With their youngest getting ready to graduate college and their oldest planning a June wedding, "Approaching the Finish Line" are looking forward to starting the next chapter of their lives. After years spent in law enforcement, these singles plan to retire in the next year and enjoy some well deserved R&R including that cross country motorcycle trip they've been dreaming about. They're also planning to spend more time with friends be it a night of gambling at the local casino or for a glass of wine at their favorite watering hole. "Approaching the Finish Line" have managed to accumulate a comfortable net worth with investments in stocks and mutual funds, which they plan to collect once they officially retire in the next several months.
Middle-Aged Blues
Single with children still at home, "Middle-Aged Blues" work longs hours to make ends meet in the mid-size suburbs they call home. With jobs in maintenance, construction and material moving, this largely female segment earns just enough to cover their basic household expenses including the $150+ per week they spend on groceries, their monthly utility bills and personal care expenses. For months they've also been saving what they could to help offset come of the expenses their child will incur when they get married later in the year. Many of these women plan to collect a lump sum IRA sometime in the next year, part of which they will use as the down payment on their very first house-something they've been dreaming of their whole lives. Although "Middle-Aged Blues" doesn't get a lot of free time, when they do manage some they enjoy relaxing to some tunes on heir favorite radio station or, if their feeling daring, a night of dancing at the local club.
Second Honeymooners
Now that the kids have moved out and started families of their own, "Second Honeymooners" are rediscovering life as a twosome. Weekends once devoted to teams sports and dance recitals are now spent working in the garden and exploring the countryside on their ATVs. These couples have also been making some home improvements, converting what was once Johnny's bedroom into a media room, complete with two new recliners and flat screen TV. With jobs in farming and construction, these couples have accumulated a comfortable net worth, which includes some real estate where they plan to build a weekend getaway to enjoy in their retirement. As much as "Second Honeymooners" enjoy having the house all to themselves again, they are longing to hear the pitter patter of little feet once more...with the arrival of their first grandchild in the next few months!
Tweens and Teens
Now playing in a suburban neighborhood near you, "Tweens and Teens" stars middle-aged married couples fearlessly braving the roller coaster ride otherwise know as…the teenage years. With children ranging between the ages of 11 and 18, these parents practically live in their vans and mid-size SUVs driving kids to and from school, soccer, swimming...the grocery store, where they drop at least $150 every week. Thankfully, being home-based business owners has provided these moms and dads with fairly flexible schedules. The money's not bad either. In fact, dad just bought mom those diamond earrings she's had her eye on. Although "Tweens and Teens" have some debt, they still can afford to rent a car for a weekend getaway to a nearby resort for some quality family time...something that won't be as easy to come when their oldest heads off to college in the fall.
Me Time
With plans to retire in the next year, "Me Time" is looking forward to some well deserved R&R and having the time to explore new interests and activities. Having spent the better part of their lives focused on careers in healthcare support and social services, this largely female segment intends to spend their days cultivating a garden that will make them the envy of their suburban neighborhood. These women also plan on taking a more active roles in their collector's club, a hobby they've always enjoyed but didn't always have time to pursue. "Me Time" will also begin collecting from their 401k in the next year, which will considerably reduce their household income. However, with limited household expenses including healthcare, utilities, food & beverages and personal care, they will mange just fine. They will however splurge on retail purchases for their first grandchild, who's scheduled to arrive any day now.
Swingin' Silvers
Forget the rocker! "Swingin' Silvers" are making the most of their retirement years. Once successful salespeople, healthcare professionals and social servants, these married couples now enjoy more leisurely pursuits like casual dinners at their favorite family restaurant, followed by a night of gambling at one of the local casinos. Having accumulated a comfortable net worth that includes some stocks, mutual funds and real estate holdings, these couples have been able to maintain a decent retirement income, which easily supports their retail purchases, healthcare expenses, reading materials and other miscellaneous purchases. At their age, these men and women count on vitamins and supplements to help support their active lifestyle, as well as the occasional prescription remedy as needed. Lacking any desire to visit their local mall, "Swingin' Silvers" are enthusiastic mail order buyers. Their latest purchases include new clothes for the cruise they're taking in the fall and of course baby gifts for the grandchild they're expecting next month.
College Crunch Time
With their youngest headed to college in the fall and their oldest graduating from college in the spring, "College Crunch Time" families are earning an advanced degree in the joys of higher education. Although many of these moms and dads officially retired, the home-based business they launched to help augment their income until they can begin collecting on their 401k later in the year keeps them quite busy. It also provides them with the necessary fund to accommodate a household of four, including the $150 per week they spend on groceries and the new tires they just put on mom's domestic car and their youngest's compact pick-up. Although "College Crunch Time" is always on the go, when they are able to get together as a family they enjoy off-roading excitement on their ATVs or a backyard barbecue where the family dog can usually count on more than a few tasty table scraps.