Connex Messaging Clusters
5 segments that represent wide-ranging groupings of the Household and Neighborhood Clusters. Ideal for increasing the relevance of offers by tailoring the message to the unique profile of differing customer and prospect segments.
Young and Free
Young and Free are happy-go-lucky singles free from the responsibilities of children. These renters tend to live in nicely appointed condos or multi-family units in our nation's urban centers. With careers in the arts and the legal sector that are beginning to take off, this segment earns average incomes that they use for personal care, utilities, food & beverages and other miscellaneous expenses. "Young and Free" spend their spare time surfing the internet on their smartphone, sharing a beer with friends or hitting a local hot spot for a night of dancing.
Mature Empty Nesters
Mature Empty Nesters are retirees living a modest lifestyle in urban areas. With an average nest egg and a strict fixed income, these single empty nesters focus their spending on retail purchases, healthcare, utilities, tobacco, food & beverages, personal care and other miscellaneous expenses. It is also likely that they own some retirement real estate. For fun, "Mature Empty Nesters" are active members of collector's clubs. They also enjoy watching their favorite shows on television and catching up on current events compliments of their local newspaper.
Me and My Kids
As single parents with full-time jobs, "Me and My Kids" are leading busy lives in suburban America. This active segment of firefighters, healthcare support personnel, maintenance workers and material movers earn average incomes, which are focused on food & beverages, utilities, personal care and tobacco products. With children of all ages at home, you can bet these parents have also recently purchased toys, tickets to the local theme park and dinner at a nearby fast food restaurant. When "Me and My Kids" manage some time to themselves you can find them playing on their smartphones, cutting loose with a night of dancing or listening to their favorite tunes on the radio.
Up and Coming Families
Up and Coming Families are middle-class families living life to the fullest in large-scale suburban areas. As administrators, transportation workers, healthcare technicians and home-based business owners, these moms and dads bring home above average incomes, which they spend on transportation expenses, healthcare, utilities, their preferred tobacco product and the $150+ they spend on groceries every week. With kids ranging from infants to teenagers, these folks have also recently purchased toys or sports & recreation equipment. On weekends, "Up and Coming Families" jump in their mid-size SUVs or mini vans and head to the local theme park for some quality family time.
Affluent Emerging Retirees
Affluent Emerging Retirees are married couples who probably still have children living in their suburban-based households. With successful careers in engineering, finance, education, medicine and home-based ventures, these folks have managed to acquire an above average nest egg, which has become increasingly important as they get ever closer to retirement. Their above average incomes have also allowed them to purchase some real estate, regularly invest in the kids' college funds and lease that luxury car they've always wanted. "Affluent Emerging Retirees" are also focused on giving back by volunteering for worthy charitable organizations.