Connex Neighborhood Clusters

68 segments defined by small-area geographies (e.g., ZIP+4) containing similar groups of consumers. Best when household-level targeting is not an option.

Cluster Name
No Place Like Home
No Place Like Home are middle-aged married couples and their children living a casual lifestyle in the country. These Associate's degree holders manage careers in the armed forces and in the fields of installation/repair, law enforcement and administration. Those with an entrepreneurial mindset manage home-based businesses. "No Place Like Home" earn slightly below average incomes, which they tend to spend on transportation, food & beverages, tobacco and other miscellaneous expenses. Weekends are reserved for family, which may include a little ATV off-roading, dinner at their favorite fast food joint or enjoying the latest movie release on their Blu-ray player.
Full House
Full House are married with children of all ages, living comfortable lives in smaller suburban settings. They spend their above average incomes on entertainment, transportation and the maintenance and management of their spacious homes. Some of their more recent purchases may have also included sports and recreation equipment for the kids, as well as some much anticipated home improvements. Although "Full House" do tend to have consumer debt, they still find the money for frequent dinners at family restaurants, new clothes for dad and tickets to a local sports event.
Blissful in the Burbs
Blissful in the Burbs are middle-aged married couples and their older children living an idyllic suburban existence in small town America. Mom and dad enjoy careers as doctors, engineers and corporate managers. Their above average incomes allow them to expertly manage their upscale homes, pay for personal insurance, put some money away for the kids' education, buy gifts for loved ones and make the occasional contribution. These folks also have an eye on the future with a comfortable net worth that probably includes stocks, mutual funds and some investment real estate to mix things up. For fun, "Blissful in the Burbs" enjoy cheering on their home team at local sporting events. They are also looking forward to the cruise vacation they plan on taking in a couple of months.
Up and Comers
Up and Comers are young singles free from the responsibilities of children, enjoying a carefree lifestyle in the big city setting they call home. By day, these success-oriented singles are making a name for themselves in the arts, social science and computers, where they earn incomes that, although slightly below average, are more than enough to handle their rent and renter insurance, personal care expenses, retail purchases, utilities, healthcare and food & beverages. When they're not working, "Up and Comers" enjoy a night out dancing, impressing friends with their culinary skills at intimate dinner parties and relaxing with a beer while reading the latest NYT bestseller.
Modest Middle-Agers
Predominantly single without children in the household, "Modest Middle-Agers" are a middle-aged segment living a modest lifestyle in mid-size suburban areas. These food preparation & service professionals, social servants and administrators pull down less than average incomes, which they use for utilities, personal care, healthcare, tobacco, food & beverages and other miscellaneous expenses. They have probably downloaded the latest chart topper or audio book recently. A good time for "Modest Middle-Agers" may include a night out dancing, trying out new recipes on family and friends or relaxing with their favorite magazine.
Suburban Serenity
Living comfortable lives in larger suburban settings located just outside city centers, "Suburban Serenity" are just as likely to be married with children as they are to be single and child-free. As computer experts, social scientists, engineers, financial executives and educators, this group takes home above average incomes, which they tend to use for education, reading materials, gifts, personal insurance, contributions and for furnishing and managing their upscale homes. They have probably downloaded the latest chart topper recently, as well as made a deposit into their children's college fund or their own retirement fund. For fun, "Suburban Serenity" enjoy getting together with family and friends to share their latest culinary triumph paired with a glass of their favorite varietal.
Main Street Middles
Main Street Middles are living a comfortable lifestyle in small town America with their spouse and children. During the week, Mom takes the family van to drop the kids off at school before heading to her job as a nurse practitioner, while Dad stays home to run the family's home-based business. They tend to spend their average household incomes on home furnishings, entertainment and maintaining their multiple vehicles, which include full-size and compact pick-ups, as well as motorcycles. When they get some free time, "Main Street Middles" enjoy gardening, making long distance calls to faraway friends and family and relaxing on the couch with the family cat.
Melting Pot
Melting Pot are a diverse suburban audience that is just as likely to be married as they are to be single, but either way they definitely have children at home. As personal care professionals and maintenance workers, these folks pull down incomes that are slightly below average, but still enough to pay for apparel, transportation expenses, $150+ per week on groceries and a new chew toy for the family dog. In their downtime, "Melting Pot" enjoy a night on the town dancing or treating the kids to a day at the theme park, followed by dinner at their favorite fast food restaurant.
Middle Class Mainstream
Whether married or single, with or without children, "Middle Class Mainstream" are a middle-aged group living an average lifestyle in small town suburbia. As armed forces enlistees, administrators, social servants and healthcare technicians these folks take home average incomes, which support their transportation costs, personal care expenses, healthcare bills and tobacco habit. This group also has enough remaining to cover their rental insurance premiums, as well as the big-ticket home furnishings and small kitchen appliance they recently purchased. For fun, "Middle Class Mainstream" enjoy a night out dancing, watching their favorite programs on television and grabbing a burger and fries at their favorite fast food restaurant.
Middle-Aged Moderates
Single without children in the household, "Middle-Aged Moderates" are living an everyday life in mid-size suburban settings. As educators and social scientists, these folks earn average incomes that they tend to spend on reading materials, retail purchases, personal care expenses, healthcare bills, utilities and tobacco. It's also likely that they have recently purchased a small kitchen appliance or a must-have item they spotted in a catalog. When they get some free time, "Middle-Aged Moderates" enjoy relaxing with friends over a beer, glass of wine or distilled liquor of choice. They also enjoy trying their luck at the lottery.
Blue Bayou
Blue Bayou are married couples and their children living low-key lives in the country. Mom and dad work hard at their jobs in installation/repair, construction, transportation, production, law enforcement and as healthcare technicians. Some of them even manage home-based businesses. Although their household incomes are below average, they still have enough to pay for transportation, healthcare, tobacco and food & beverages. They have probably even purchased a household appliance recently. When they're not working, "Blue Bayou" enjoy reading outdoor media and off-roading in their full-size pick-ups or on their ATVs.
Suburban Setbacks
Suburban Setbacks are single without any children at home, living a modest lifestyle in larger suburban areas. The work week is spent at their maintenance, personal care and food preparation jobs where they earn below average incomes. They tend to spend their money on basics such as transportation, food & beverages, personal care, utilities and tobacco products. These folks enjoy listening to the radio and reading their favorite magazines and when they really want to kick up their heels, "Suburban Setbacks" hit the town for a night of dancing or gambling at the local casino.
Southern Sensibility
These folks may or may not be married, but they more than likely have young children living with them in homes that were built in the last 25 years. When not on the job as administrators, transportation experts and installation professionals, "Southern Sensibility" enjoy family pursuits including a day at the local theme park, lunch at their favorite fast food joint and a game of fetch with Fido. Their average household incomes are more than enough to cover their transportation expenses, food & beverages, tobacco products, utilities and personal care bills with enough left over to buy the occasional lottery ticket. "Southern Sensibility" like to relax by listening to music they recently downloaded to their smartphone. For more serious relaxation, these folks like to hit the high seas on a cruise vacation.
Coupon Clippers
Coupon Clippers are budget-conscious married couples who may or may not have children living with them in their suburban homes. As healthcare technicians, social servants and administrators, this group brings home slightly less than average incomes, which they allocate for transportation expenses, healthcare costs, tobacco expenditures and food & beverages. With the money they save over time, these folks have probably bought that new fridge the missus has had her eye on, along with some new tools for the man of the house. In their downtime, "Coupon Clippers" enjoy listening to the home town team on the radio, keeping their eye out for bargains in their local newspaper and playing the lottery.
Clock Watchers
Clock Watchers are mature singles without children at home anxiously awaiting the day when they can finally retire. With careers in the fields of healthcare and social services, this group's household incomes are below the national average, but still enough to cover basics such as retail purchases, healthcare expenses, utilities, food & beverages and tobacco products. For fun, "Clock Watchers" enjoy a night out dancing, treating friends to a new recipe they've discovered and keeping up with loved ones who are just a long distance phone call away.
Community Cogwheels
Single without any children at home, "Community Cogwheels" are living a modest existence in large city centers. These folks are on the verge of retirement, or newly retired, from jobs in fields that keep their communities running smoothly including fire prevention, food preparation & service, social services and personal care. Their well below average fixed incomes are enough to handle basics such as retail purchases, personal care, healthcare expenses, utilities, food & beverages, reading materials and tobacco products. At their age, they have probably taken a prescription remedy for an ailment, as well as a vitamin or supplement for their overall well being. "Community Cogwheels" enjoy watching their favorite shows on television, as well as cheering on their home team at the sporting event du jour.
Carpools and Little League
Married with children, "Carpools and Little League" are living active family lives in large suburban settings. As computer experts, engineers and sales reps, these moms and dads earn above average incomes that they use to manage and maintain their upscale homes and educate their children, as well as for entertainment and personal insurance. Although "Carpools and Little League" have some consumer debt, it hasn't stopped them from purchasing some big-ticket home furnishings recently, in addition to a brand-new fridge to safeguard the $150+ per week they spend on groceries. Family fun time includes a day at the local theme park, followed by dinner at their favorite family restaurant.
As its name suggests, "Single-Minded" are unmarried, free from the responsibilities of parenthood and focused on career success in the city. As burgeoning artists, social scientists and computer professionals, these savvy singles earn enviable incomes that allow them to manage and furnish their hip city rentals, buy the latest fashion trends, pay off lingering student loans, make payments on their luxury cars, shower loved ones with gifts and contribute to their favorite causes. When they get some downtime, this group enjoys sharing a glass or two of wine with friends, while impressing them with their latest culinary masterpiece. "Single-Minded" also like traveling and have probably recently returned from one of the many foreign trips they enjoy indulging in.
Career Couples
Career Couples are married, but probably don't have any children in the household. Rather, these couples are focused on their careers in the legal sector, healthcare, education, sales and management. As above average earners, this group focuses their spending on their upscale suburban homes, luxury cars, reading materials, personal insurance, education, gifts and contributions. These folks also have an eye on their imminent retirement with investments in stocks, mutual funds and real estate. When it's time to relax, "Career Couples" enjoy experimenting in the kitchen, reading the newspaper and vacationing to foreign locales.
Made in the USA
Made in the USA are a suburban working class audience that is single and may or may not have children in the household. With jobs in the armed forces, administration, food preparation and healthcare, these folks earn below average incomes, which they typically spend on basics such as utilities, food & beverages, personal care and their tobacco habit. They have probably also purchased some women's clothing or some low-ticket home furnishings recently. When they get some downtime, "Made in the USA" enjoy listening to the radio, while catching up on the latest issue of their favorite magazines.
Whether they're married or single, parents or child-free, "Nine-to-Fivers" work hard at making ends meet in the mid-size suburbs they call home. On weekdays you will find this group driving their domestic cars and full-size pick-ups to their jobs as production workers, material movers and healthcare specialists. Despite their below average incomes, this audience manages to cover their healthcare expenses, utility bills and food & beverages. After the bills are paid, there's usually enough remaining to splurge on lottery tickets and to indulge their cigarette habit. For fun, "Nine-to-Fivers" enjoy tuning in the game on the radio and curling up on the couch with the family cat.
Southern Comfort
Southern Comfort are married couples and their children enjoying the creature comforts of the southern suburb they call home. Mom and dad have successful sales careers where they earn above average incomes that they spend on their homes, entertainment, personal insurance and gifts. Recent purchases include a new dishwasher and new throw pillows for the sectional in the family room. This group also has an eye on the future, as evidenced by their stock and real estate investments. For fun, "Southern Comfort" enjoy spending a day at the local theme park, followed by dinner at their favorite family restaurant. They're also looking forward to the cruise they're going on in the next couple months.
Salt of the Earth
Salt of the Earth are married and more than likely still have children living with them in their modest country homes. Their jobs in production, transportation and installation may not make them the big bucks, but they do earn enough to handle their healthcare expenses, food & beverages and their preferred tobacco products. There's also enough to cover the maintenance and upkeep of their full-size and compact pick-ups, as well as their domestic cars. Living in the country has made these folks quite handy and their extensive set of tools helps them tackle all sorts of projects around the house. When they have some spare time on their hands, "Salt of the Earth" enjoy exploring the countryside on their ATVs.
Country Kin
Country Kin are married couples and their teenage children enjoying a laid-back lifestyle in small town America. Mom and dad hold down jobs as installation professionals, production workers and home-based business owners. Their average household incomes allow them to cover their healthcare bills and transportation expenses, including the maintenance and upkeep of their full-size pick-ups, vans, standard cars and motorcycles. For fun, "Country Kin" enjoy reading outdoor media, playing fetch with Fido and off-roading on their ATVs.
Almost Free
Almost Free are middle-aged couples with older children who are on the verge of leaving the nest. As career educators, these moms and dads make above average household incomes, which they use to furnish and manage their homes, as well as for entertainment and transportation. These folks are avid sport fans who enjoy catching the game on TV or the radio. They like tending to their gardens and they've probably also made some home improvements recently. "Almost Free" like to unwind with their favorite adult beverage and when they really want to cut loose, they hit the local casino for a night of gambling fun.
Median Middles
Median Middles are a middle-aged audience living middle class lives in mid-size suburban settings. They are just as likely to be married with children as they are to be single and child free. These personal care & service professionals and administrators take home average salaries, which they tend to use for household furnishings and entertainment. For fun, "Median Middles" enjoy reading their favorite magazines, getting together with friends for a beer or two, trying their luck at the local casino and surfing the net on their smartphones. When they want some serious R & R, this group hops a plane to an exotic foreign locale.
Growing Pains
Growing Pains are young singles who are focused on establishing themselves in the urban center they call home. As food preparation professionals and armed forces enlistees, their household incomes are below average but still enough to pay for the rent and rental insurance on their townhomes and condos, in addition to utilities, personal care, food & beverages and other miscellaneous expenses. It's also likely they have purchased some big-ticket home furnishings and other household appliances recently. For fun, "Growing Pains" enjoy getting social on their smartphones, surfing the net and reading their favorite magazines.
Serve and Protect
Serve and Protect are middle-aged singles who may or may not have children living with them in their average homes, which are located in urban areas where the crime index tends to be high. These civic-minded folks tend to have careers in fields focused on the protection and welfare of their community including social services, fire prevention, law enforcement, transportation and healthcare. Although this group earns below average incomes, they typically have enough to cover their transportation expenses, food & beverages, personal care expenditures and their cigarette, cigar or chewing tobacco habit. It's also likely they've treated themselves to some fine jewelry recently. When they're not on the job, "Serve and Protect" enjoy reading magazines and watching their favorite shows on television.
Gracious Homes
Gracious Homes are married couples and their children living a life of privilege along the urban fringe. These moms and dads have highly successful careers as computer experts, corporate managers and engineers. They use their above average household incomes to maintain and manage their luxurious homes, educate their children, pay for personal insurance, purchase fashion-forward apparel, buy gifts for loved ones and make contributions to those causes they deem as worthy. On weekends, these families hop in their mid-size SUVs and head to their local theme park or perhaps to a sports event where they can cheer on their home town heroes. "Gracious Homes" also like to give back to those who are less fortunate by volunteering for charitable organizations they support.
Working Class Woes
Working Class Woes are middle-aged law enforcement officials, transportation workers, production professionals, installation experts, construction workers and healthcare technicians who work hard to make ends meet in the small town they call home. These folks are just as likely to be married with children as they are to be single and child-free. Their very limited household incomes are focused on basics such as healthcare, retail purchases, food & beverages, utilities and their cigarette or chewing tobacco habit. When they're not working, "Working Class Woes" enjoy watching their favorite programs on television, playing fetch with Fido and off-roading on their ATVs.
Farmland Frugals
Farmland Frugals are married couples who work the land in rural locales. As farmers, managers and home-based business owners these couples put in a hard day's work to earn their limited household incomes, which they carefully budget to cover their healthcare expenses, transportation, food & beverages, retail purchases and tobacco products. They have probably also recently purchased a large kitchen appliance or an item that caught their eye in a catalog. When they get some downtime, "Farmland Frugals" enjoy reading outdoor media or relaxing outdoors, perhaps exploring the countryside on their ATVs.
Urban Challenges
Single without any children in the household, "Urban Challenges" are eking out a meager existence in the city. As food preparation professionals, material movers, healthcare support staffers and production workers, this group struggles to make ends meet with household incomes that are well below average. In fact, some of these folks may even be unemployed currently. They tend to spend on the basics including retail purchases, utilities, personal care, healthcare, tobacco, food & beverages and other miscellaneous expenses. When they have some free time, "Urban Challenges" enjoy listening to the radio, watching television and surfing the net.
Golden Age
Golden Age are married retirees without any children in the household, living out their golden years in the comfort of the country locale they call home. These folks have accumulated a sizable nest egg with investments in stocks, mutual funds and real estate. They use their well above average household incomes to furnish and manage their upscale condos and townhomes, as well as to buy reading materials, cover personal insurance expenses, buy gifts for loved ones and make contributions to causes they support. "Golden Age" enjoy catching up on current events compliments of their local newspaper, having dinner out at their favorite family restaurant and making long distance calls to faraway family and friends. These couples are also looking forward to the cruise they'll be taking in the next couple of months.
Small Town Travails
Small Town Travails are a middle-aged group that tends to be single and may or may not have children living with them in their humble country homes. These folks didn't graduate from high school and with low-paying jobs in construction and maintenance, they struggle to make ends meet. Their limited household incomes cover basic expenses such as food & beverages, utilities, healthcare and their cigar habit. It's quite possible they may also have purchased a large kitchen appliance recently. For fun, "Small Town Travails" enjoy watching television and playing catch with the family dog. They are also actively involved in collector's clubs.
Struggling Suburban Singles
Struggling Suburban Singles are unmarried without any children in the household, struggling to stay afloat in their large-scale suburban communities. Lacking a high school degree, their jobs in maintenance, personal care & service and material moving barely earn them enough to cover the most basic of expenses including personal care, food & beverages, apparel, utilities, retail purchases and their tobacco habit. When they're not on the job, "Struggling Suburban Singles" enjoy tuning in their favorite programs on the television or radio, as well as reading their favorite magazines.
Dressed in Success
Dressed in Success are established married couples without any children at home, enjoying lucrative careers in the suburbs. These lawyers, doctors and corporate managers pull down healthy salaries, which they use to furnish and manage their upscale homes, as well as for personal insurance, education, gifts and contributions. They are also savvy investors and their already sizable net worth includes both stocks and mutual funds. When they're not on the job, "Dressed in Success" enjoy relaxing with a glass of wine while reading the latest NYT bestseller. When they need some serious R & R, these couples set sail on a luxury cruise or cross the pond for an international vacation.
At the Starting Gate
At the Starting Gate are young singles fresh out of college and raring to make a name for themselves in the big city. As recent recipients of Bachelor's and Post-Graduate degrees, these educators and culinary professionals earn less than average incomes, but they still manage to cover their rent, rental insurance, utilities, reading materials, personal care, retail purchases, food & beverages and their cigar habit. Free from the responsibility of children, this group enjoys getting together with friends for a night on the town dancing or sharing a beer or two at the local watering hole. "At the Starting Gate" also like to cook and stay connected to friends and family with their smartphones.
Under Paid Urbanites
Under Paid Urbanites are single, middle-aged wage earners living hand-to-mouth in large urban centers. With jobs in the armed forces, maintenance and food preparation & service, these singles put in a long day's work for minimal wages, which they tend to spend on utilities, personal care, their tobacco habit and the $150+ per week they spend on groceries. They have probably also purchased new tires for their standard cars recently. When they're able to work in some relaxation, "Under Paid Urbanites" enjoy tuning into their favorite television programs.
Mid-Life Metros
Mid-Life Metros are singles without any children in the household living an average life in the city. With their Associate's, Bachelor's and Post-Graduate degrees, this group pulls down average household incomes, which they typically spend on reading materials, transportation and other miscellaneous expenses. They have probably also purchased some low-ticket home furnishings for their townhomes recently, as well as a small kitchen appliance. For fun, "Mid-Life Metros" enjoy playing the lottery and dishing with friends over their latest culinary creation accompanied by a specialty cocktail they concocted using their favorite distilled liquor.
High Rise Hipsters
High Rise Hipsters are single professionals without any children in the household living low-key lives in large urban centers where the crime index is high. As social servants, artists, court reporters and educators, this set pulls down average incomes that they use to pay for reading materials, personal care, retail expenses, healthcare premiums and utilities. They have probably also purchased some home furnishings or perhaps a piece of fine jewelry recently. When they get some downtime, "High Rise Hipsters" enjoy trying out new recipes or meeting up with friends at the street corner bar where they can catch up over a beer or two.
Lap of Luxury
Lap of Luxury are married couples and their children living privileged lives in mid-size suburban areas. As lawyers, doctors, corporate managers and financial consultants, these moms and dads earn household incomes that are well above average. It's these lucrative incomes that allow them to enjoy the finer things in life such as upscale homes, private school for the kids, high-fashion apparel, personal insurance, lavish gifts for loved ones and contributions to worthy causes. They also tend to indulge in luxury cars, fine wines and vacations to exotic foreign locales. "Lap of Luxury" are also quite philanthropic and often volunteer at charitable organizations they support.
Backwoods Blues
Backwoods Blues are rural singles holding down blue collar jobs in small town America. As armed forces enlistees, law enforcement officials, installation experts, transportation professionals and construction workers, this group puts in a hard day's work for their below average incomes. Some in this segment may not even be in the labor force currently. Their typical expenditures include healthcare bills, tobacco products, retail purchases, utilities and food & beverages. They have probably also recently purchased new tires for the car, a household appliance and that must-have item they saw on the internet a few days ago. When they get some downtime, "Backwoods Blues" like to tune in their favorite shows on television, as well as grab some comfort food at their local family restaurant.
City Limited
Comprised largely of unmarried women, "City Limited" are living hand-to-mouth lives in city centers where the crime index tends to be high. As healthcare support professionals, fire fighters, social servants and personal care experts, this group pulls down incomes that are well below average. In fact, some of these women may even be currently unemployed. The money they do take home handles basics such as personal care, food & beverages, utilities, tobacco, retail expenses and healthcare bills. It's also probable that they have purchased a piece of fine jewelry recently. When they get some time to themselves, "City Limited" enjoy tuning into their favorite programs on television and the radio, as well as reading magazines. They also enjoy a night on the town dancing followed by a late night bite at a nearby fast food restaurant.
Down and Out Downtown
Down and Out Downtown are an urban audience living an indigent lifestyle in our country's city centers. For the most part, this group is made up of middle-aged single women who are less likely to have children living at home. Their nine-to-five is spent in the fields of healthcare support, fire prevention, personal care, maintenance and food preparation & service. However, many of them are also currently unemployed. They spend their meager take home on retail expenses, personal care, food & beverages, apparel, utilities, healthcare and their cigarette/cigar habit. Anything remaining has likely been used to buy a much needed household appliance, a piece of fine jewelry or perhaps a new toy for those in this audience who do have children. For fun, "Down and Out Downtown" are active participants in collector's clubs. They also enjoy watching television, listening to the radio and reading magazines.
Solo Suburbanites
Solo Suburbanites are single without any children at home, living an average existence in mid-size suburban settings. As armed forces enlistees, personal care professionals, educators, food preparation specialists, social servants and administrators, these folks take home slightly below average incomes, which they spend on reading materials, retail purchases, personal care, healthcare, utilities, tobacco and food & beverages. Other items this group has probably purchased lately include a household appliance, that must-have item they saw in a catalog or new tires for their compact cars. They also have an eye on the future with a decent net worth, as well as some investment real estate. For fun, "Solo Suburbanites" enjoy listening to the music they recently downloaded and participating in local sports leagues.
Between Sunset and Dusk
Between Sunset and Dusk are elderly singles living low-key retirements in the city. As former social servants and healthcare professionals, this group has managed to accumulate an adequate net worth that includes some investment real estate. They tend to spend their slightly below average household incomes on their homes, reading materials, retail purchases, healthcare and their lifelong tobacco habit. It's also likely that these folks have recently purchased some big-ticket home furnishings, women's clothing and a household appliance. For fun, "Between Sunset and Dusk" enjoy digging into the latest NYT bestseller, accompanied by a glass of wine or their preferred label of distilled liquor.
Small Town Toilers
Small Town Toilers are just as likely to be married as they are to be single and they may or may not have children living with them in their country homes. As production personnel, transportation professionals, installation experts, material movers and construction workers, these folks work hard to earn their below average household incomes, which are budgeted for healthcare bills, utilities, food & beverages, retail purchases and tobacco. They have probably also purchased new tires for their domestic cars or a household appliance recently. When they get some time to relax, "Small Town Toilers" enjoy tuning in their favorite shows on television.
Suburban Security
Suburban Security tend to be single and may or may not have children living with them in their comfy suburban homes. Their jobs in the armed forces, sales and architecture provide them with average household incomes, which they use for managing their homes, entertainment, household furnishings, apparel and education. There's also enough left over for that new blender they've had their eye on, the must-have item they just saw on the internet and perhaps a piece of fine jewelry for themselves or that special someone. For fun, "Suburban Security" enjoy going dancing, catching the game on TV and for those who have kids, a day at the local theme park is always a crowd pleaser.
Provincial Paupers
Singles who may or may not have children at home comprise this small town set. With jobs in maintenance, material moving, production and construction "Provincial Paupers" work hard to earn their limited household incomes. With minimal funds at their discretion, this group spends on basics such as apparel, utilities, transportation, tobacco and food & beverages--including the $150+ per week they spend on groceries, as well as their frequent meals at fast food restaurants. When they get some downtime, "Provincial Paupers" enjoy spending a day with the kids at a local theme park or getting social on their smartphones.
Plugged-In Players
Plugged-In Players are young, urban singles on the success super highway. With their top-of-the-line smartphones and internet acumen, this set always stays one step ahead of what's hot and hip. As burgeoning artists, financial gurus and social scientists, this set earns household incomes that allow them to maintain and manage upscale urban digs, as well as pay for reading materials, lingering student loans, high-fashion apparel and personal insurance. They also like to splurge on gifts for loved ones and make contributions to causes they find worthwhile. When they get some time away from the office, these successful singles enjoy getting together with friends to share a glass of wine or their favorite distilled liquor. For some real R & R they hop a plane bound for an exotic foreign locale. "Plugged-In Players" are also keen on giving back and volunteer for charitable organizations they support.
IntenseCities are middle-aged singles working hard to carve out a place for themselves in the urban core of large city centers. With careers in personal care, the arts and social services, this group puts in long hours for their below average incomes, which they tend to spend on retail purchases, personal care, reading materials, apparel, utilities, food & beverages and healthcare. This group likes to unwind with a glass of wine or their favorite distilled liquor--perhaps while listening to the new album they recently downloaded or while watching their favorite show on television. For fun, "IntenseCities" enjoy going dancing, a day of thrills at the local theme park and when they really want to get away, they hop a plane headed for an international destination.
Country Money Crunch
Country Money Crunch are law enforcement officers, healthcare support professionals, production personnel and material movers who are single and may or may not have children living with them in their country homes. Although this middle-aged set earns well below average household incomes, they still find the funds to pay for their retail purchases, food & beverages, healthcare bills, utilities, personal care and their preferred tobacco products. They have also likely purchased new tires or a piece of fine jewelry recently. For fun, "Country Money Crunch" enjoy off-roading on their ATVs, tuning in their favorite programs on television and the radio and staying informed by reading their local newspaper and favorite magazines.
Downtown Digs
Downtown Digs are single without any children in the household, living ordinary average lives in the city. As armed forces enlistees and computer professionals, this group pulls down average incomes, which are allocated for the rent on their condos and townhomes, renter insurance, transportation, personal care, reading materials and utilities. It's also likely that they've recently feathered their nests with some big-ticket home furnishings. On the weekends, "Downtown Digs" like to hop in their imported cars and hit the town for a night of dancing or, if they're craving an outing that is more low-key, they may meet up with friends for dinner at their favorite family restaurant.
Textbook Townies
Textbook Townies are enjoying the simple pleasures of small town suburbia with their spouse and young children. During the week, these moms and dads hop in their compact cars and head off to their jobs in law enforcement. Weekends are for family time, which may include dinner out at their favorite family restaurant or dinner in where they can enjoy mom's latest culinary creation. "Textbook Townies" have average household incomes, which they tend to spend on transportation, low-ticket home furnishings, toys for the kids and items they saw on the internet for themselves.
Country Classics
Country Classics are mature married couples who no longer have children at home enjoying a casual lifestyle in the country. Although many of these folks have already retired, there are those who continue to work with jobs in construction or perhaps they're running home-based businesses. Their tight fixed incomes are used for healthcare expenses, retail purchases, chewing tobacco, transportation and food & beverages. They have also managed to accumulate a sufficient net worth, which probably includes some real estate. For fun, "Country Classics" like to work with their tools on small DIY projects, as well as explore the surrounding countryside on their ATVs.
Middle-Aged Misfortune
Middle-Aged Misfortune are singles who are living impoverished lives in the city. With jobs in fire prevention, healthcare support, maintenance, social services and personal care, they earn just enough to get by. For the many who are currently unemployed, times are even tougher. Their spending tends to center around the basics including retail purchases, food & beverages, healthcare, tobacco, utilities and personal care. On those rare occasions when there's a little left over, they may treat themselves to that special item they saw in a catalog or perhaps to a piece of fine jewelry. After a hard day's work, "Middle-Aged Misfortune" enjoy dinner out at their favorite family restaurant followed by a night in watching their favorite television shows.
Small Town Blues
Small Town Blues are single and may or may not have children living with them in their small town suburban rentals, which are located in areas where the crime index tends to be high. During the week, these folks clock-in at their blue collar jobs in production, material moving and food preparation. For those who are currently unemployed, job hunting is on the agenda. Although their incomes are below average, this group is able to handle the basics including utilities, food & beverages, healthcare and their preferred tobacco product. They have also likely purchased a household appliance, women's clothing and a new chew toy for the dog recently. After hours, "Small Town Blues" like to tune in their favorite programs on the radio for a relaxing night in.
Labored Force
Labored Force are middle-aged singles eking out a skimpy living in the small town suburbs they call home. These maintenance professionals, food preparation & service employees and construction workers put in long hours to earn their considerably less than average incomes. With discretionary spending at a minimum, these folks focus on the basics such as retail purchases, utilities, food & beverages, personal care, healthcare and tobacco products. They have probably also purchased a small kitchen appliance recently, along with some new tires and perhaps a piece of fine jewelry. When they're not on the job, "Labored Force" enjoy a night out dancing or a night in watching television. They are also avid members of collector's clubs.
Old Guard
Old Guard are retirees living out their golden years in urban areas where they reside in a maintenance-free condo or townhome. As former sales reps, fire fighters, administrators and personal care & service professionals, these folks have managed to accumulate a respectable net worth that likely includes some retirement real estate. Despite their below average household incomes, this group has more than enough to cover their must-haves including reading materials, retail purchases, healthcare expenses, utilities and tobacco products. At their age, you can bet "Old Guard" probably take a prescription or two for specific ailments, as well as a vitamin or supplement for their overall health. For fun, this group enjoys watching their favorite shows on television, catching up on current events compliments of their local newspaper and a night of gambling excitement at the local casino. They are also looking forward to the cruise they plan on taking in the next couple months.
Hard Row to Hoe
Hard Row to Hoe is an indigent audience comprised predominantly of singles who may or may not have children living with them in their rural rentals. As farmers and material movers, these folks put in a long day's work for below average incomes. Their expenditures center around basic needs including food & beverages, utilities, personal care and tobacco products. If they do manage a bit of downtime, "Hard Row to Hoe" enjoy a night on the town dancing.
Family Portrait
Family Portrait are married couples and their children, living a comfortable lifestyle in large suburban settings. Mom and dad enjoy careers in engineering, where they earn above average incomes that they spend on managing and maintaining their upscale homes, educating their children, personal insurance, gifts for friends and loved ones and contributions to worthy causes. There is also enough for extras including luxury cars, cruise trips and vacations abroad. For some domestic fun, "Family Portrait" enjoy sharing a glass or two of wine with their friends, a night of gambling at the local casino and treating the kids to a day of fast rides and sweet treats at the local theme park.
Urban Utopia
Urban Utopia are married couples and their children living lives of privilege in the city. These moms and dads enjoy rewarding careers, not to mention substantial incomes, as lawyers, executive managers, doctors and social scientists. Their impressive net worth boasts diverse investments including stocks and mutual funds. They can also afford to live a lavish lifestyle including upscale homes, luxury cars, high-fashion apparel, top-notch schools for the kids, gifts for loved ones and contributions to causes close to their hearts. Downtime is spent relaxing in front of the fireplace with a glass or two of wine. When they need some serious R & R, "Urban Utopia" hop a plane headed to an international destination.
Simply Suburbia
Simply Suburbia are married couples and their children enjoying all the pleasures of a mid-size suburban lifestyle. Mom and dad have careers in the armed forces and law enforcement, which allow them to provide their family with transportation, entertainment, household furnishings for their comfy homes, sports and recreation equipment for the kids, dinners out at their fave fast food restaurants and dinners in courtesy of the $150+ per week they drop on groceries. Although "Simply Suburbia" do tend to have consumer debt, there's still usually enough to treat the family to a day at the local theme park, as well as new toys for children who manage to get their chores done on time.
Dinner's at Five
Dinner's at Five are mature retirees enjoying their golden years in small town America. As retired sales reps, these folks now enjoy more relaxing pursuits including watching their favorite programs on television, actively participating in collector's clubs, making long distance phone calls to faraway friends and family and of course enjoying dinners at their favorite family restaurants, which they generally hit early to avoid the rush. Although "Dinner's at Five" live on fixed incomes that are below average, there's still enough to pay for their basic expenses including healthcare, retail purchases, reading materials, utilities and tobacco products. They also have a decent net worth, which includes some retirement real estate.
Day by Day
Day by Day are a middle-aged audience that's single without any children in the household, living an indigent lifestyle in our nation's city centers in areas where the crime index is high. Many in this group are currently unemployed, but those that have jobs tend to work in the fields of fire prevention, healthcare, maintenance and personal care & service. Their very limited discretionary funds are focused on basics including rent, renter insurance, retail purchases, personal care, food & beverages, utilities, healthcare and tobacco products. When they get some time to relax, "Day by Day" enjoy watching television, listening to the radio and surfing the net.
Utterly Urban
Utterly Urban are singles without any children at home living a modest lifestyle in the urban core. With jobs in personal care & service, fire prevention and healthcare support, this group's household incomes tend to run below the national average. However, they do make enough to pay for personal care, apparel, food & beverages, utilities, retail expenses and tobacco products. They have probably also treated themselves to a piece of fine jewelry recently, as well as that must-have item they spotted on the internet. "Utterly Urban" like to relax by listening to their favorite tunes on the radio, while surfing the net. It's also likely that they have recently returned from a cruise or from an international vacation.
Teenage Transitions
Teenage Transitions are burgeoning young adults enjoying their first taste of autonomy in the big city. With fledgling careers in food preparation & service, education, social science and personal care & service, this group earns below average incomes, which they tend to spend on personal care, food & beverages, retail purchases, tobacco products, apparel and healthcare. It's also likely that they've purchased a large kitchen appliance or some fine jewelry recently. "Teenage Transitions" like getting together with friends and hitting the dance floor at a local club and when they want to kick back, they enjoy listening to the radio and surfing the net.
Careers in the City
Careers in the City are young singles paving a successful path for themselves in the urban core. These young adults enjoy flourishing careers in the arts, the legal sector and in finance where they pull down handsome household incomes. They tend to spend their well above average paychecks on reading materials, high-fashion apparel, lingering student loans, personal insurance, household operations, gifts and contributions. A good time for this group may include participation in a collector's club, meeting up with friends at the neighborhood bar for a glass or two of their preferred distilled liquor or just about anything involving sports. When they want to get away, "Careers in the City" love exploring the culture and history of foreign countries. They are also quite philanthropic and volunteer for charitable organizations near and dear to them.